SNL on sexual misconduct at work

3  2017-11-12 by Lilcumia


i really loved that one clam yelling 'yeah!!' and the half-hearted applause after the 'reality for half the population' bullshit

Im guessing they didnt mention the recuring bit where the shaved ape comes to the desk and makes the white kid uncomfortable by aggressively coming on to him, a clear problem if roles are reversed?

I fucking HAAAATE that god-damned fucking Negro weekend update guy. He says the MOST cliche'd fucking political shit-- "Oh, he's black political comedian? Jeeeeeeez, I wonder what his views are..."

And every poke-fun-at-black-culture joke he makes is for THE most benign shit. There's a criminal element in the black community that is growing and is just getting ignored and scapegoated by "white oppression"? The "racism" everyone talks about that is "inherent in western culture" is actually, to quote Patrice O'Neal, "I think you're racist, but I can't prove it" racism and ISN'T AT ALL deserving of the amount of protesting-outrage that it gets? The fact that black-on-black violence is largely responsible for the rise in gun violence rates and a black life is only valuable as long as it's taken by a white person, and that parallel is something that shows a SEVERE problem with how black culture treats ITSELF?

Nah, that's not an important issue to maybe bring to the light by adding comedy to it-- instead, talk about my cousin Ray-Ray stealin' my gramma's silvuh-ware to pay for crack. You know, the edgy jokes stuff.

That fucking guy's infuriated me ever since that trite gun-control gif/quote collection of his got a million notes on Tumblr a few months ago. Real edgy stuff... talking about how the constitution of the United States is "old and needs to be re-written." And that girl making a joke about a "workplace relationship" in relation to the Louis CK thing is just moronically bad-- are people really trying to compare a fucking bar and a room at a motel to a cubicle office? Is that REALLY how irrational society has gotten? These are ADULTS talking, not fucking teenagers living with their parents trying to affect social change because they're pissed they have to pay off student loans and can't get a 6-figure job with a humanities degree.

Alright old man Cumia. Calm down before you go into cardiac arrest.

Hasn't Anthony been a griping old man since he was 35?

You write like every fat bitch from Jezebel. Shut the fuck stupid.

He’s right tho. He’s a faggot, but he’s right.

I like how a lot of people on here talk about how many things are ruining America-- liberals, feminists, trannies, niggers, Opie and Sam-- but the second somebody gets into more detail about anything you all say "fuck you, faggot, nobody cares, TL;DR." And you act like you're not hypocrites that're fucking up things just as much.

And I most certainly do not write like people on Jezebel. You're not nearly as smart as you think you take what I write, take stuff from that website, and can't find a difference in how things are written.

A typical response from every fat bitch from Jezebel. Shut the fuck stupid.

Alright, that was funny.

As if Lorne Michael doesn’t touch boys. OKAY 👌

After every SNL I’m gaurenteed some far-right faggot will complain about it here. Fucking pussy.


SNL is worse than sexual abuse