Would you still support Patrice if we found it he got accused of rape?

51  2017-11-12 by TotallyNotObsi

Oh wait...


he's not a white man - innocent

Patrice O'Neal was a rapist. Infowars.com.

Coming up on the third hour we have Patrice O'Neal. He was charged with running a train on a mexican whore because he was a Trump supporter.

It wouldn't be the third hour. It would be 14 minutes past the hour, then you have people tuning in 13 minutes past and listening to Patrice for three minutes than boom, you got yourself two quarter hours. Those quarter hours really add up.


At least he gave us his opinion of what's going on now. Again showing that he was ahead of his time.


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Well he went to prison for it.

Accusations are meaningless.
And if he was CONVICTED of rape, I'd love him even more. You take what you want, alpha

He went to prison for it.

Oh literal Crown Chicken


For some reason I read that "Oh, wait..." in Buffalo Bill's voice.

"tskkkk ya mannnnn, I mean I know some Shady shit P-patrice did he told me about when we used to t-talk on the phone for hourssssss that I could neverrrrrr repeat"

Maybe give that one another try.

Im just a dumb spic cut me some slack essay

Like raperty rape?

Patrice told the story on the show.

He was out with his friends looking for some pussy, they met these other girls, one white girl, one black girl. White girl decided to take four of the five guys on her own at the same time (including Patrice).

This girl goes back to school, this guy said "I heard what you did in Boston over the weekend, if you don't suck my dick, I'm gonna tell everybody". So she sucked his dick, ran into her brother's class, "That guy raped me... and I also got raped in Boston over the weekend!"

So, Patrice and his friends we hauled up in court, plead "not guilty" to a rape charge, but said "Yeah, we fucked her, but she instigated it". Judge agreed, threw out the rape charge, but they were 16, girl was 15, and in Boston, that's statutory, and they spent three months in prison.

I'd support him more.

um I'm pretty sure ever woman who had sex with Patrice felt "raped".
Let's not get lost in a forest of technicalities and legal jiggery-pokery...


for real though, rape is funny and often justifiable. At least a third of them were asking for it and probably wanted it anyway, probably more than that.

Patrice ran a train on a whore who regretted it later.

Big big difference...

Louis is a slimey weak weirdo who creeps on women and cant control himself.

It's only a matter of time before he rapes one of his daughters.

Good fucking riddance.

he jacked off in front of women who agreed to it in the first place, that is a big stretch between that and child molestation.

Right... he just walked up to them casually and politely asked them.

Nope, he got all fucking weird and out of control and couldn't help himself because he's a fucked up pervert.

Lock him in a bunker with his kids and he's raping one... 100% chance.

9/10 people supporting him are doing it out of pure contrainianism.

I would support Patrice if he was accused of murdering my wife, parents and pets.

Meaning, I would pay him money for this.