Paul O directed an acclaimed arthouse masterpiece, killed his wife and got away with it, and ended up getting the last laugh on his biggest critic Louis CK. Your life's a movie

97  2017-11-11 by imdrunkdontjudge


Magnificent bastard. That sadsack woe-is-me routine of his was all just a façade.

That episode is a classic.Was the first time I heard of Louis CK.Ahhh the good old days.

What Louis Ck did to Paul O that day was worse than what he did that is destroying his career now.

He didn't kill her, she leaped of a ladder.

Gayle, Gayle, Gayle you are gonna have to kill Paul.

🎵🎶He won't care at all that you're gone🎵🎶

from the legendary Ron and Fez studios, in a predominantly white neighborhood, it's showtime with a-Paul O

You can do it when he's sleeping.

Don't do don't do it (do it)

Life is a war.

"A porno production couldn't even use you- you couldn't get hired by a porn director. They wouldn't let you swab the cum off of floor, because your instincts are so bad. They wouldn't let you fluff the the ugliest fat on the set."

It's even more offensive that you have the education and know better.

War endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. That is the way it was and will be. That way and not some other way.

A little Cormac up in this muuuug

Looks like Paul O is gonna tug his cock in front of Oscar AH GIGIGIG

paul nObody

I can't believe someone got their hands on the real movie. Wasn't the guy just handing it out in person?

Gap made more than I Love You, Daddy will.

Paol O ya life's a movie

I can't believe someone got their hands on the real movie. Wasn't the guy just handing it out in person?