We’re truly in the Golden Age of Comedy

124  2017-11-11 by PauxFas


Hillary Clinton is a fucking criminal. Democrat or Republican shouldn’t matter, she’s human garbage and deserves to be treated accordingly.

Also, Seth Myers is an opportunistic worm. They should have gave that show to Norm MacDonald or Colin Quinn.

Seth Meyers is a woman. He'll reveal it all when he's 60 in his documentary "I lived as an unfunny male comedian for 60 years... here's my gay ass movie about that."

I had a friend whose mother actually looked exactly like him with long, ringletty 90s hair. Giant forehead.

BRAHAHAHAH. Was she at least kind?

She's awesome. She used to take us on road trips just to do dangerous shit like ride our bikes off a pier, skateboard down a super steep hill and jump off bridges. I wiped out bad on the hill one time and she laughed at me and took me to Outback Steakhouse. The urinals were filled with ice, a lot of fun to piss in.

lol, nice. Wacky Suburban moms during the jackass era were awesome.


Like Carrie Underwood...

How is this Moe not out of the closet? He's so fucking feminine he'd be better off just coming out.

This is precisely why they won't give shows to the likes of Colin or Norm anymore. You think they'd put up with this shit?

I can understand why people don't like Trump but I have no idea why anyone likes Hillary. I've encountered diehard Clinton supporters and it's so strange.

Same. She fought against gay rights her whole life but now everyone pretends she's some socially liberal politician.

I heard someone say she lost because she pretended to be cool. She tried to use meme shit in her ads. That makes sense to me, Trump never pretended to be cool he wanted to be an edgy outsider. Hillary was the one standing beside Katy Perry "this fidget spinner is the bomb!" i just made that up but i wouldn't be surprised if she did it.

Remember to Pokemon go to the polls!

Back during the General Election there was a satire video that Clinton supporters hated because it exposed her need to be young and hip so well. As of now the video has 31k dislikes.


Not only did they hate it, Super Deluxe hated it. They're the same people who did this jewel that made Trump seem hilarious and awesome while trying to be against him.

It wasn't pretending to be cool. That's far too kind.

It was pandering. Far more sinister. It was her doing her impression of the lowly stock of American voters. Say what you will about our President, but the "Cheeto in Chief" (LOL! RIGHT GANG?) doesn't seem to hate average everyday Americans, whereas Hillary has taken probably 50 hours of sneer-hiding lessons and still struggles when she sees a middle class family at a rally.

She was doing what she thought the "little people" do.

Why would you bring up her one redeeming quality?


"I am not a cunt."
"ARE SO!!!!!!"

Goddamn rich cunt!

You wanna know why we, as a country, are becoming increasingly more and more okay with this political correctness bullshit?

Patrice died.

There's no one left to call us all out on our bullshit.

There's no one to kick the ball all the fuck the way over the fence with a Weinstein joke that none of us will ever forget.

Pull that fat fuck out of his grave so he can call his comedian friends up and tell them to stop being such fuckin' pussies and start writing jokes again.


There's still that other black guy, Anthony.

do it yourself you ballwashing importance of stand-up comedy overestimating faggot

No joke. Third time in less than a month that someone has said something like that to me. The one right before you was a local comedian who hosts open mics... motherfucker heard me bullshitting in the bar I work in and invited me out.

I pussied out.

I might actually listen to you... asshole.

What all three people meant to say was "kill yourself, faggot", so do that instead. Last thing we need is more unfunny open micers from whatever shitty town you live in.

You might be right. I'll just go suck cocks.

Implying you weren't already going to do that today...

I'm gettin' my teeth ready for your blowjob. I'm gonna make it so dry for you.

I can't wait to see your standup shots submissions.

Thank you?

Yes dude. A relatively unknown mediocre stand up, who was a phenomenal radio talent on rare occasions he made an appearance on a broadcast, is the reason why PC lunacy has infested the West. Has nothing to do with 4 generations of people being fed spiritual, academic, philosophical poison 24/7 via indoctrination in the school systems, universities, television, film, controlled electronic media, rigged internet propaganda delivery systems, and corporate controlled politicians.

I was maybe a little bit high when I said that... and maybe I was listening to Patrice on O&A.


Professor Chomsky ass motherfucker.

That last part's supposed to make you chuckle.

Chomsky ssssssttttttiiiiinnnnnnnkkkkkksss. Lay off the devil's lettuce young man, it'll rot your mind.

I miss patrice...

Seth Meyers is straight???


It doesn't matter that this career criminal has had more wealth and power than 99% of the world her entire life, only she can tell the joke because as long as you are a white man - your life is easier than hers.

slow clap #clintonbodycount

I'm pretty sure telling Bill not to bomb during her healthcare campaign cost another 200,000 lives during the genocide over there.

ha! yep-and thats nothing;ask the people of haiti about the millions this twat stole from them haiti...

I️ hope she dies in a house fire. Lousy cunt.

Pardon my salty language but this woman is a cunt.

Nice of Seth to give his boss some airtime

Link to clip?

How will we explain this to future generations?

"I like her because I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a reason to kill me!"

good thing seth had an authentic black colored human that fried chicken joke, otherwise it would’ve been offensive.


CLIP, not Chip.

Oh sorry... whassat?

Man they really haven't learned anything in the past year.

They've learned, just basically the opposite of what they should have learned.

She needs to be kicked in the cunt so hard that it looks like someone dropped a jar of maraschino cherries on the floor after

Can we please just start the new civil war and go out and kill every SJW liberal piece of shit out there? They really are going to destroy our country if they are allowed to keep living. Kill the beta males, put the women back in their place in the kitchen, ship all the faggots and trannies off to Norton's apartment and drop the BLM jackasses somewhere in Africa.

This is exactly what they're setting up for. Create a massive amount of civil strife, violence, division, collapse the economy-which is already here- and out of the chaos establish a new order-aka police state. When the people are whipped into a blood lust and desire for revenge, it'll give us the societal green light to plunder the earth of it natural resources, example is setting up a new crusade by inviting in a Jihadi army in Europe as an impetus to take the Middle East. Th New Left and their third world pets marched right into a trap that they themselves set up.

I don't like this plan - Norton would have to buy chairs and that's a whole thing.

Yeah I didn't think about that. Maybe just give them Hawaii and make them free range deviants with Norton as their king?


Those people are amazingly efficient with chair seating.

I guess Trumps getting re-elected

He's winning every state except Mexifornia and Negro York.

"Straight" (((white))) "male"

Nobody loves naming the Jew more than me, but I think he's some kind of Irish

His name is Meyers, and his father side of his family is jewish, so technically he is "of jewish descent" (because it's the mothers race who decides if you're jewish.) But let's be real here...

Ooof, I'll hand in my jew hunter badge now

He's ethnically Jewish, but not religious. He's also behaviorally Jewish though

I never watched this show. "Jokes He Can't Tell" sounds like a great bit if it was nothing but brutal racist, sexist, rape, and anti-semetic jokes that a guest would tell. I'm guessing it's nothing like that?

He got an awful old lady instead of having a pretty white girl sing them.

Chapelle was a genius before he became muslim

who is watching that shit? i dont understand how shit humor is so successful .

The same people who think modern Comedy Central is funny. Where every joke is "Ha ha! White people think this is okay!"

"hitler was right about almost everything" -actual quote from stanley kubrick to a friend. dude was a genius

How many times are they gonna have that despicable old fish on the show? Didn't they do a segment like a month ago where all the female show writers came out and kissed her ass?

The fact that it was more than two female writers was the most offensive aspect.

The fact that women cry on a dime irrefutably proves they cannot handle positions of any consequence.

"I don't know but I've been told, eskimo pussy is mighty cold" - Hillary Clinton, last night on television.

God hurry up and die you tired old cunt

Clinton has learned nothing from a year ago.

Why should she? She honestly thinks she's going to lead a coup against the president.

A nigger, a dyke, and a lizard walk into a bar...

Maybe he can return the favor by running a decent campaign

There's still that other black guy, Anthony.

do it yourself you ballwashing importance of stand-up comedy overestimating faggot

Yes dude. A relatively unknown mediocre stand up, who was a phenomenal radio talent on rare occasions he made an appearance on a broadcast, is the reason why PC lunacy has infested the West. Has nothing to do with 4 generations of people being fed spiritual, academic, philosophical poison 24/7 via indoctrination in the school systems, universities, television, film, controlled electronic media, rigged internet propaganda delivery systems, and corporate controlled politicians.

lol, nice. Wacky Suburban moms during the jackass era were awesome.

I miss patrice...

I'm gettin' my teeth ready for your blowjob. I'm gonna make it so dry for you.