Those engineers better step on the gas with those fucking sex bots...

9  2017-11-11 by TangerineReam

Louie was taken down for being a perv, although a consensual one. Takei is next. Clearly women have no want to hunt down pedo's (Singer, opening up more of the Spacey allegations, Dan Schneider). They're just targeting (mostly) straight white men because they're women and want to stay the victims. Plus, the left seems to want to DEFEND pedophillia in some way (re: the Salon article that they recently took down), so those kids are possibly never going to get retribution for the shit they went through with all of those directors/producers.

I'm not touching another woman ever again. I've consistently kept my nose clean, but what does it matter: If a woman says you did it, then you did it. No evidence, no trial. You're finished. That's it. Who needs that? They clearly don't want to reproduce with men and my generation isn't getting married in droves like other generations. It's not even just about power and dominance for them. They just want us GONE. Blame (((them))), post-modernism, whatever: It's a shitty time to be alive and single right now.

So where are the fucking sex bots? Feminism is having a grand ol' time censoring science, but they cant stop progress. And AI is coming, whether they like it or not.

If they're pissed about sex bots now, just wait until CRISPR gets up and running and people are able to alter their bodies to burn off complex fats, sugars and carbs better; while changing the melatonin and genetic info to a desired race. No more being fat for victim points and being an undesired race in an SJW sense: You'll be able to change it through genetic engineering, to keep up with the social standards of the times, while prolonging your longevity and immunity to obesity. Men don't live as long as women but HOO BOY will that change soon. That'll ruin everything for these broads REAL quick.



You never had a choice faggot.

Neither did you. But that doesn't matter at this point, does it. Women are to be avoided at all costs.

They wont notice a difference.

They notice when they hit the wall around age 30.

They notice when they hit the wall around age 30.

Oh no! Women everywhere are never going to handle being denied a taste of you! Whatever will they do?

Melatonin tss


"I'm not touching another woman ever again."

Right, because you've touched so many in the past

I'm not trying to make myself out to be a player, I'm just saying I'm afraid to even talk to female friends at this point.

If you want the pussy, you have to deal with the cunt attached to it.
