I'm an ugly man who has been repeatedly sexually assaulted by women in his short lifetime.

0  2017-11-11 by xavier_stock

I've had drunk women at bars literally grab my dick, women in the workplace slap me on the ass, and other similar situations. All entirely unprovoked.

I am an ugly to average looking male, and I rarely ever leave the house. I can only imagine what attractive guys go through.

I have decided, however, that the next time something like this happens, I will report it. Men need to start fighting back at this shitty game.

I feel like such a faggot partaking in this gender war, but seriously, the double standard is ridiculous. I encourage you all to do the same. The rest of my life will be dedicated to putting female sexual predators behind bars.



Yep, same here. I have been bullied due to my ugly teeth all my life but I have also been groped and forcibly kissed multiple times. One time a female friend grabbed my phone, started filming and said I had to kiss her friend or she would smash my phone. I still have that video.

A woman once pressured me to put my finger in her butt and I felt I had no choice but to agree. When I pulled it out there was poop on my finger. I was very uncomfortable.