Look, I know this sub needs to be careful with all the bans going 'round, and we shouldn't say anything too controversial...

15  2017-11-11 by Single_Action_Army

But all women from the first world need to be beaten and killed.


I keep my dick well covered at all times and I did not vote for Trump.

I hate how you can't say you hate women without being called a virgin. I've had sex with two women, you fuckers.

Casanova ova here.

Like it's so unbelievable that women have hateable qualities other than not having sex with you.
Most hateable female behavior is found in ugly women.

I just assume when men say it, they're projecting. The insult "virgin" has never entered my mind since I was a teenager. I'd rather make fun of someone for having a fat girlfriend than not getting laid.


Fair point.

You say odd shit to people dude

Firm but fair.

Working on it.