Louis CK's apology wasn't good enough according to three unfuckable women.

31  2017-11-10 by Third-Reich-Mike


jesus fucking christ

"As a grown man you should know asking =/= consent"

Alright, then what the fuck is consent? A binding written contract?

VR Porn and Sex Robots Companies need to step up their fucking game.

Good lord, I think I'm done with all this shit.

I'm going back to obsessing over the gym.

At least then I was a in-shape faggot.

I'm so sick of women and this really opened my eyes to how I'm not sick of them enough!

(The next article down is a piece about how 'zero tolerance' sexual harassment policies are actually bad (because they may victimise women).)[https://qz.com/1125385/zero-tolerance-sexual-harassment-policies-are-terrible-for-women/]

Never apologize.

Nothing's ever good enough for judgemental whores, who at this very moment are most likely madly pogoing on the nearest ex-convict penis they could find.

They spelled affect wrong.


And this is precisely why he should’ve kept his mouth shut.

Its this weird victim complex. They feel they've been victimized since birth so they feel completely justified in becoming the abuser by publicly humiliating and ruining the careers of people they feel have indirectly wronged them in some way.

Women were a mistake.