Opie kicks Louis while he’s down

29  2017-11-10 by Gilgores_Trout


"i am remorseful for my actions"

Yeah I'm sure an "I'm sorry" will patch all this shit right up.

In Opie's defense he doesn't know what remorseful means. By definition or by his actions.

I visit this sub everyday and I still have no clue who this Opie guy is or why we should care

Has Opie apologized for anything his entire life?

He is sorry his mother made him being his lunch to school in a concrete sack.

He stole thst story from Fez.

My ears demand one

no, he just says "yeah well it works both ways" when people call him out for shit

Louie on the next pop-up show CONFIRMED.

Opie looks like an old, fat-titted faggot in his profile pic.

That's it, I officially hate Opie now.

You've been way behind

His wife has left him.

I don't think Opie's said those words in his life.

He did literally 100 hours of radio with Louis

Then Anthony said that Louis told him he hated Opie because Opie made him wait outside studio. So I guess Opie had to trash him to feel better.

When was that?

I don't know the specific dates, I'm not Erock. You have to sort of piece it together. When Louis was doing the show a lot there was a time where Opie just felt like making him wait outside the studio b/c he gets off on that shit. Opie mentioned that Roland was panicking, It turns out he had to run two blocks away to get Louis because he left the building. Later CK said he "felt like he had a special relationship with the show" and it hurt to have to wait. I'm guessing that when Anthony and Louis met randomly at that casino they talked a lot of shit about Opie. Then during the Greggshells thing Anthony tweeted that Louis hated Opie.

It was like the physical fitness challenge firing. A little bit of it happened on air, the rest was behind the scenes.


he apologized to the comics privately before it came out


For those who won't click on the link and replies:

@TitsNoShowOpie: I don't see an apology in the Louis CK statement. Am I missing something?

@DaLoboShow: Yeah you're Career

Best reply! The shitty grammar, punctuation and capitalization makes it even better.

To top it off the bad grammar is still correct since Opie, just like his career, is a dead piece of shit.

To quote Jim, "that's so sociopathic, I don't know what to say to that"

At this point he's just looking for any attention he can get. That's why he pretended to be crazy with that 'job' for a while. It got a reaction and he chased that. And now burning abridge and using his connection to Louis as an opportunity for retweets, and posts like this. Opie is a sociopath.

Opie Hughes: Bridge Burner


So cokelogic defends him and he get attacked. Opie piles on, he gets attacked. It's almost like there's no pleasing you animals.


Ryan @ryan63d Ope helped make ck with unlimited access to his show

What a crock of shit. At best it was a symbiotic relationship. I think it leans more in the direction of Louie helping them. Personally I got onto o and a because I was a Louie fan and came across his appearances on YouTube and started getting into the daily show. And I know I'm not alone.

BULLSHIT, stop being trendy, you've been a fan of hot, young, stylish DJ Gregg Hughes since first started steaming up the airwaves with the incomparable "The Nighttime Attitude"

Fuck. I'm busted. He really could have been a model.

What is worse.. Jerking off in front of someone or making a video of someone taking a shit and then show all his friends and never delete the video.

Shocking. Opie puts an attempt at going viral over a personal relationship.

Everyday he's not on the radio and he's being the Opster is another day further into obscurity. Goodbye (never) funny man.

he’s a rockstar at math guys. he should’ve been a doctor. just because he can’t read doesn’t mean he isn’t smart.

Opie's 97 IQ dumb jock mild sociopathy is a crucial ingredient to the OnA show, always was and always will be, and at some point this retard may find redemption when people realize how crucial he was

97 is only 3 points below the average IQ, you're being generous.

79 would be unsurprising.

Is Opie angry at Louis, because Louis stopped doing their show when he got more famous?

Fuck louie, how bout dah

Well to be fair, Opie is a remarkably huge faggot

Louis even at the peak of this disgrace is still more hireable, commercially viable, and capable of yielding profits than Opie will be for the remainder of his life.