Nick DiPalo is a gift from god.

110  2017-11-10 by RBuddCumia


I like Nick, but if they got rid of white people, he wouldn't have anything to worry about.

warlike, one of the few comics who haven't softened with age

Are you fucking kidding me? This old fucking dodger knows jack shit about politics and hates anyone who is black. I hate everyone who is black, but this old spaghetti-nigger stinks on ice.

Oops I misspelt his guinea last name.

You also seem to have misspelled 'misspelled'.

Misspelt is also correct.

That guy in the comments owned Nick though..."don’t worry u ain’t white"

hes a one tone annoying hack

Yeah? You're!

What a shock, the cunt he's responding to his a verified "journalist" with less than 5 thousand followers.

Remember when it was hard to get that blue checkmark?

No, and the amount of importance youre still placing on it is retarded.

He's a faggy wop.

Unpopular opinion. I don’t like him or find him funny. Too politically obsessed. Everything goes back to right/left with this guy.

Nick is going to be shot outside a show by a fat pink haired womyn

You're assuming a women can properly operate a firearm.

The only thing a woman can operate properly is the stovetop and an ironing board. Am I right fellas?

They can't even do that anymore. I've met one woman under the age of 30 who knows how to cook something other than macaroni and cheese. (caveat, I live in ((((New)))) York)

I once met a JAP who legitimately didn't know how to boil water. That's impressive.

Squeaky Fromme got within a few feet of Gerald Ford with a loaded .45 but didn't pull it off because she forgot to chamber a round.

Fuck. I now know that 'womyn' is a thing. Thanks asshole.

Where have you been?

Avoiding third wave feminism like it's Ebola

I don't know how to explain her hatred of men? It's not like she's a frog-jawed dopey-eyed clod who is just mad she never got any sex in college and-
Oh wait...

That steely jaw is a show of strength.

She basically the female equivalent of an incel.

Seriously guys, if you want to get your dick wet, these girls are the BEST. They're basically screaming "I hate men because they've been ignoring me for years." If you've ever lived in Seattle or Portland, you've met these girls.

These type of broads don't just want any man, they are bitter that they don't have a hot guy or successful one courting them.

That's a good point. Back when I was going through them like they were candy, I was a lot younger and a lot better looking. I wasn't quite "Chad", but I was fairly good looking, and I was bottom fishing for angry women like her because I just wanted to get laid with as little effort as possible.

Yeah, we all have our lazy point in life where you bang fatties and date a plain jane who doesn't give you any shit.

we do, the internet has amplified that effect.

fuck it.

That's what incel is. Have you ever seen those people trying to fuck someone in their league? The universal trait of these faggots is that they all grossly overestimate their own sexual value.

just found out im blocked by nick. dont remember ever tweeting him. probably something from back in the nick and artie days.

"A few creepy men tried having sex with women, like all others before them have. It just makes me want to scream labels at them while promoting genocide! That will show them women are more rational than men!"

- This Cunt, 2017

In the same way AIDS is.

Jean Bentley‏ @hijean ban all men, replace them all with women of color. men/white people, u had your millenia and u fucked it up, bye

If that were to happen, it would be the absolute end of Human advancement. (Well, except for cooter-napkin development.)

Oh please. You think women design tampons? Men invent, design, manufacture and market pretty much everything that womyn use. (Hopes a woman didn't invent the tampon)

Pull that up, Jamie.

Women used to shove rocks up their cootahs until men showed them absorbant materials.

True. Life was so much better for everyone 1000 years ago.

Especially during the "dark ages" (which I assume was black people's turn).

Amiri King got her pretty good with his "you mispelled "nobody wants to fuck me" "

Nick DiPalo is refreshing I admire the fact he sticks to the funny while a lot of people are just worried about offending people. Need more of these guys now.

I too admire his 30 minute rant on why the Bundy Ranchers were the new Patriots from the American Revolution

This twat looks like Shrek's girlfriend.

That's why she's raging out on Twitter. She's a female incel.

In all seriousness, these women are a delight. I'm not even kidding, this was my bread and butter when I was single. I could be balls deep in her tonight if I sent her a DM.

And they're all willing to do "butt stuff".

This shows how short sighted and evil women are. They have sons, brothers, and fathers. They talk about them as if they are worthless because they have no sense of loyalty or the capacity to truly feel love. Love, for them, is being provided for and getting stuff.

No, these ultrafeminist loons don't have husbands or sons - that's why they're ultrafeminist loons.

she looks like a sea monster. Some one save those people on the boat !

i feel like hes the only one left sometimes.

Nick is consistently hilarious. He should be considered one of our untouchables.

I love Niiiiiiick, I loooove Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick

I love crotchety old fucks that don't take shit from limp-wristed faggots. I'm starting to become one.

I love Nick but he should back down, the Twitter cunts will end his radioshow. Don't be a martyr, you don't have Ant money to survive this shit

Actually I think his wife's family is really well off.

I also think I have no evidence to support that statement.

It's comforting to know that there are still genuine guys like DiPaolo in comedy.

His show is over now. Write SiriusXM, please