Jim Norton: Hypocrite

156  2017-11-10 by Phkna1

Jim has been harassing masseuses, and fucking whores for decades. He is goi g to pass judgment on Louie's perversions? Are you fucking kidding me? He is an economic supporter of human trafficking and an abuser of women and transsexuals. For him to attack CK, who helped his career is cowardly, self-protective, and shitty. This is like Opie not standing up for Anthony. Backstabbing worm. Die alone of AIDS, Jim. You deserve it. Once your parents are dead, no one will be there to grieve for you.


Remember when he would talk about actual professional masseuses who didn't want to tug his rotten lil' mushroom as though they were stuck up and uptight?

Who will the (((NYT))) take down next?

If only Jimmy was worth their time.

Weinstein decides who's next, didn't some reporter at nyt help him spy or some shit

Who is he performing for with this showing? Is he still trying to crack Hollywood by virtue signalling?

That's nothing. He admitted to pulling his cock and balls out in a dark bar and leaning on a hot chick once.

Didn’t he also fuck a drunk underage girl on air?

Yes and sirius xm had to purge all audio of it from the internet

Drunk is an understatement, but yes.

That sounds like rape.

....of a minor.

That fucked me off more than anything that bald cunt has ever done. The little bottom-feeder taking any advantage possible to get whatever he can. Keeping taking prep, Jim.

I hope he stops taking Prep and becomes a bug chaser. At least Louie did it in front of haggard 25 year old comediennes.

Jesus. Do you know which show? I haven't heard that one.

If that's true, he's lost my vote.

Of course not. Nice Guy Norton actually began Contextually Inadequate with a bit about Cosby and was emphatic that unlike Cosby, he would NEVER EVER have sex with a passed out woman. So clearly, you must have him confused with someone else.

He is also not a pedophile. He'll tell you as much, often without any prompting, and much like another entertainer named Jimmy suspected of pedophilia, he'll insist that he actually can't stand children. So don't even think of accusing him of that.

Jirn is really a pos to do the onj show after years of trashing other people for not quitting their jobs for “free Speech maaaaaaaan”

To top that he even manage to scam 60k from the Ona fan base then never mention it ever again

His free speech shit was the worst, especially regarding his view on anonymity. He acknowledged it was a bad state of affairs that people can get fired for their opinions, but the dumb fuck didn't see how people might want to express themselves without having their names attached. There are very few jobs that will allow you to be almost completely honest with impunity, and he has one of them.

It’s his usual taking both side so he won’t offend anybody shit, incase there is a pay check waiting on either side

He might have tried to not offend, but that attitude is fucking offensive, especially coming from a comedian. There's no paycheck on this side coming from me - I've skipped the last two shows, and he's been my favorite comic for years. Fuck that attitude.

The thing about his absolutely infantile stance on this is that deep down he knows he's dead wrong. I've heard him admit he was wrong on the show after Ant easily convinced him by applying the tiniest bit of logic. But Jim of course went right back to it.

He needs the freedom of speech to protect what he does, but he doesn't want other people to have it when they're saying mean things about him. But he can't say that, so he's made up this anonymity problem. He's just like Ant, who's "for freedom of speech until it gets personal". Ant threatened to doxx a guy working at panera bread because he was saying mean things about him, and put a fucking bounty out on another guy. See the problem Jim?

The podacast is pretty good.

It listens pretty good

Never liked it. Cant stand New Chip. New Chip sucks.

Hypocrisy; worse than rape.

Jim has always done what's best for Jim. It's why none of his "friends" came to help when he needed them.

He introduced everyone to the ona crowd, the made cash from that and exposure at a time they were pretty much thrown out of comedy central for tough crowd. Let's not forget good deeds

Quid pro quo. O&A needed them as much (or more) than the comics needed O&A.

Yeah that's true

Jim Norton: Shitdick

Jimmmmmm Nortonnnn....SHITDICK!


Anyone got the really old clip of Jim saying he would take his dick out in clubs and deliberately press himself against women?

Let's Jockvember Jimmy and get him some press!

There's hours of him. The hardest part would be getting it in a nice short compelation.

Is that almost as difficult as getting a nice short compilation?

It's a compilation that is meant to compel people to take up a cause you dummy

Leave it alone

It goes all the way back to when he was a child and talked about purposely brushing up against his teachers ass. The more I watch the show Mind hunter on Netflix the more I wonder how Jimmy isn't a serial killer himself.

Honestly when jim was acting confused about Louie wanting to jerk off in front of women and saying he doesn’t get that type of sexuality it was so disingenuous. He’s such a phony

“For all my perversions I’m so happy I’m not into kids” said by someone who’s probably into kids.

:: "They say I am a pedophile, your honor"


Those ladies didn't have cocks.

Yeah, i love Jim but the guy who pays for women to piss on him can't understand a guy having women watch him jerk off seems a little mentally ill.

Lol 3 days from please don't kys Jim to this

If Jim kills himself I want it to be because this sub made him feel bad

that is my dream

Gomez would shit himself laughing.

Implying Louis didn't turn his back on Jim or "help him out" for any reason other than he was funny.
If you're so gay for Louis, OP, I heard a runer he has a habit of masturbating in front of people.

Jim is a mediocre talent who sucked on Lucky Louie

Louis put most of his friends in the Louie show, Bobby and Nick got entire episodes. I still use the term bang bang like a fat faggot when hitting up two restaurants while on vacation

Here lies one James R. Norton

"Economic supporter of human trafficking and an abuser of women and transsexuals"

Prince James R. Norton.


He tried to touch my crotch through my Bugle Boy jeans after a show when I walked over to meet him! This was 17 years ago.

that fucking worm fingered stalker patti, who clearly only tolerated it for attention

i really hope he dies painfully

Patti doesnt count

Patti jerked him off once, too.

Louis didn't bring him along on hos wild Hollywood carpet ride.


Jim Norton jacked off in back of a car unsolicited while Jim Florentine and another comic drove.

Jim Florentine #metoo

I jacked off in the back of the van on the way to moving my sister down for college. I put my windbreaker over my lap and listened to the instrumental of Oochie Wallie while thinking about rap video bitches.

Did you cum?

I was in junior high. It was everywhere.

Jim BRAGGED on JRE about a time he got a non-sex worker masseuse to let him touch her ass while he jerked off. he bragged like it was a story about pulling a 10 at a night club. he got the girl to accept 300 dollars to let him jerk off. he paid to jerk himself off. it’s the most pathetic beta story i think i ever heard sans guys who talk openly about letting their wives fuck around. so he has no room to question Louis fetish or whatever you want to call it. he’s literally into the same shit.

That was old Jim, new Jim is socially accepted and respectable. A normal person, like Bree Olsen.

Woke worm

He also always talks about one masseuse who allowed him to look at her pussy but not touch her. He says he kept pushing his hard dick towards her and she slapped his dick away. And of course he loved it. How is a woman being disgusted by you a turn on? He’s actually turned on by getting women to do things they don’t want to do.

She took the money though, right? So what?

so if you heard Jim talk about this Louis bullshit he sounds super critical of what Louis was doing. like the idea of jerking off in front of girls is so bizarre to him.

Jim paid, they knew the deal

stay missing the point, fag

There's a difference between convincing a massage therapist to jerk you off for money and using your power in a particular industry to take advantage of people.

Jim doesn't understand the difference between something being barely legal and completely immoral. You think that girl who Ron Jeremy got to blow Jim was too jazzed about tasting Norton's salty choad?

The point is Jim shouldn’t be acting morally superior to Louis C.K. when he has no moral compass himself. I’m really sick of self-righteous Jim.

I hated how Jim kept saying he couldn’t understand Louis’ pervisions. How could he not? Jim, you know the feeling you get when you see that a girl has a dick? Or shits on your chest? That’s the feeling Louis gets when he jerks off infront of a woman. It’s that simple

In fairness, it is a weird thing to get off on, and weirdos don't necessarily understand other weirdos' weirdness.

it's not just a cute thing that we call him the worm. It's an incisive comment on his character, and the nickname stuck because it passed the evolution-like process of scrutiny before a mass audience until the most succinct, accurate description stuck

Exactly. Plus, look at him.

Is this the same Jim Norton who shared a story about masturbating in bed with Rich Vos (who will be appearing at the Hartford Funny Bone Dec. 20 - 23) while in the company of a young lady?

You don't have a point to make OP.

Jim never said Louis was "pervert" or had sick desires, he only talked about the appropriateness of the setting of Louis's fetish, he never said the fetish itself was weird. He even said jerking off istorally fine if the girl is into it, just not to initiate it that way with women you're working with

You're just getting emotional and mad about something you made up because you want to be.

Listening to Jim and Sam scapegoat and hypocritically virtue-signal made me shut off the show today. Jim repeatedly stating "I can't wrap my head around why anyone would ask to masturbate in front of a woman" seems massively insulting to his audience. He's admitted to far worse, repeatedly.

What about Mary Jean? Did Jim not use his position of power to seduce her over to his apartment numerous times to... just hang out? No? She genuinely wants to spend time with a midget pervert with AIDS? Fuck you, wormy hypocrite.

He's admitted live on air to "Pinching his hog" when he sees or heard something that arouses him. He's just as much as a degenerate creep as Louie.

Yeah this is the fucking weirdo who said he was sexually aroused as a kid when he caught of whiff of something's shit in some abandoned house. But it's so alien to him that some guy wants to jack off to a woman while she just sits there. I mean it's weird but it's not that weird. It probably mimics the way he used to jack off to women as a kid before he had porn and he just had to look at women who he found pretty in magazines or photos, so he started getting really turned on by clothed women who seemed like they were busy doing something else.

Jim's next in line.

yeah, but he paid the whores. louis just whipped it out and tugged it.

I think Jim was fair and sensible. I read some comments beforehand, which made it sound like he went full invertebrate to pander to the current climate. I thought he struck a balance between taking the behavior to task and questioning the mentality, while still trying to give a longtime pal the benefit of the doubt. Sam on the other hand continues to make me nauseous when he attempts to provide commentary on anything taking place within a sphere of adulthood.

Wasn't there a thread here that said he unfollowed CK on twitter? That doesn't sound like giving the benefit of doubt to me

Louie hasnt been on twitter for years.

So that must be a joke thread then. I didn't read through it and I'm too anti-social to be on twitter. Thanks for the correction

Massage therapists who went to school for 2 years and are probably 80 grand in debt from it.

Remember when he'd talk about running trains on hookers with Keith Robinson, then Keith would threaten to knock their teeth out if they didn't give the money back? That pretty much qualifies as rape now.

Tss running trains what is he a locomotive engineer?

Nothing worse than a member of the O&A sub taking the moral high ground

Jim introduced me to the term Frotteurism. Because he used to do this to people when he was a boy.

Jim was (passive aggressively) disappointed in Louis CK. He doesn't watch other comedians specials but will listen to any walk-in at an AA meeting. I despise middle of the road Jim and sadly that part of him has taken over.

He'll also listen to all his friends at The Cellar.

Middle of the road chippus maxipad?

Yeah, Jim was really shrewd when he didnt get famous like CK did and not have all his perversions leaked onto the internet. Not being funny on stage is perhaps the best move Jim has ever done.

Jim Norton sucks in comedy and in cocksucking.

Jim has been harassing masseuses, and fucking whores for decades.

You realize that shtick, right? Jim doesn't fuck transsexuals, either. It's shtick. Please don't tell me you've been worked into believing it's true...

Anyone who has ever met Jim or his hot girlfriends knows he's a straight metrosexual, similar to somebody like Brendan Schaub.

that is my dream

There's hours of him. The hardest part would be getting it in a nice short compelation.

It goes all the way back to when he was a child and talked about purposely brushing up against his teachers ass. The more I watch the show Mind hunter on Netflix the more I wonder how Jimmy isn't a serial killer himself.