To get your minds off Louis CK's freckled penis, here's a Chip vs Opie video compilation

83  2017-11-10 by iSOBigD


I legitimately love that everyone hates Opie now. Good job Gregg, you were such a cunt for so long that practically everyone who was associated with you now openly mocks you and uses your existence as a punchline.

I actually don't hate him, but I wish he knew how dumb it was to not accept his role in the show. It's sad. If he had simply been OK just "steering the ship" and didn't try to force himself into jokes, or to stop the show and explain himself whenever he had a line, or made it weird for the funny people, or forced fake laughs, the show would have kept going and no one would have an issue. People need to know their strengths and weaknesses and accept them.

That last line is the problem. Opie is a narcissistic asshole and can't accept any of his faults and instead chooses to project everything onto other people and blame them for his own failings and problems. He's still playing the victim, even after all the stuff came out about him being a insufferable cunt to work with and be around.

Yeah and I don't think he'll ever understand that just changing that would have made a world of a difference.


I love that they always hated him, but it's in the open now.

can't fudge with the fawuhckin devil dvv dvv dvv

I think Louis' cum is also faintly orange.

"Textin someone 'the cunt wont look at me' just so you can copie!" was a real hit.

Knowing that colin acknowledges how awful opie is brings me joy. This is a man who has a real kindness for people like lady di and bobo but even he cant find something redeemable in captain hughes.

love jim but "chip show" eats fucking ass and its fans are corny in a bad way

Damn cuzz, you corny...

damn cuz, buncha bullhockey all up in this muuug

Why would you put quotation marks around something no one has ever said? It's the Chip Chipperson podacast you fuckin dunce

I would love to hear a dialogue behind the scenes of why he is so universally hated. There's one thing to put a radio facade up like it's 1953, but after it's over, you can still be a good man who his peers can respect.. I don't know, it's tough man

fuck opie but also fuck jim and chip