Bangs 10s instead of yanking it in front of 4s. Also is billionaire and current President of the United States

0  2017-11-10 by unclepaul84


Get the fuck off this sub with this shit you faggot.

It is making fun of Louie. He won. Sorry I hurt your feelings faggot

You're a comedic genius. Feel free to expose yourself to the next woman you see for the sake of art.

Its a joke leftie.

No shit, some sensitive fags on this sub.

The Trump Curse strikes again.

Bannon saying that wapo leaking the trump tapes, tapes of things trump actually said as a material fact, proves a conspiracy of fabricated allegations against roy moore.

Things are getting too fucking screwy around here. Like there has to be some threshold of bullshit we cant cross.

Today Breitbart also had an article about a regular caller to their radio show (an average joe literally some asshole who likes to call a radio show every day) says he's leaving the country because maga just isn't happening. That was the whole article. A nobody said he's leaving central PA because trump has opened a coal mine there yet.

I didnt want to make a thread for this so I'm posting it here because this thread sucks.

I literally don't know what you're getting at so thanks for not opening a thread.

Roy Moore is a controversial AL judge who just won a primary for Jeff Sessions vacant senate seat with heavy backing from Steve Bannon and Breitbart who campaigned for Moore against the Trump/GOP endorsed candidate. Yesterday 4 women claimed in the washington post that Moore tried to fuck them when he was in his 30s and they were 14-16. Bannon has said that there is a conspiracy against Moore because the washington post is owned by Jeff Beszos/Amazon and they also had the entertainment tonight 'grab her pussy' audio of trump.

They're deranged cultist weirdos.

Never apologize. Especially if you did nothing wrong. Louis' a faggot and deserves his career ending if he won't defend his odd, but totally legal and ethical sexual exploits.

Come on, that fat pink faggot doesn't "fuck" those women. He had to buy a beauty pageant just to peek and girls while they dressed, which was my special fantasy back in ninth grade. They way people believe anything that fat pink faggot says boggles the mind.

Keep telling yourself that buddy

Pudgy dickless faggot pays whores to piss while he feebly wanks. Pink men = fags. And he has bitch tits too.