Dane Cook is taking a victory lap on this one

11  2017-11-10 by charleskealyphoto


Just like how he hasn’t recovered from being labeled a joke thief

what a narcissistic twat to make a guy jerking his prick to girls about himself.

Dane Cook is an unfunny faggot who could never write a joke as funny as louie's worst. Punchable faggot dane cook.

Fuck him. He was grateful Louis didn't smash him once he got famous and was nice enough to have a show where they fictitiously aired out their grievances. Kicking him when he's down is shitty when the guy showed you an incredible amount of mercy.

Louie even made him seem somewhat likeable again. Even after "Dane Cook" became a punchline

The only thing Dane Cook ever did funny was inspire Ike Barinholtz to publicly mock him for being a shitty comedian.

Fun fact, it was because of Dane Cook that I discovered O&A. I was searching Youtube for "Dane Cook joke thief" and I played the O&A phoner where Louis pretended to not care then O&A kept pushing him to attack Dane and he finished the call by calling Dane Cook a cunt. I was hooked after that.

I can't find it on Youtube though. Anyone know what episode that was?

Did he call him a cunt? I don't remember that part

I'm almost certain that's how the call ended. I'd love to be proven wrong. Ive been trying to find this clip for years now... someone took it off youtube a while back

What about the fact that his career made the decision to dissolve into nothing?