Jim is texting buddies with Don Lemmon

17  2017-11-10 by RBuddCumia


People who have very simplistic views of the world tend to hang together.

Bug chasers and gay black guys tend to hang out together.

A little easy, but he still labelled it correctly.

i hate how he said that like it was so amazing, he really will suck anyones ass. "it was about furniture" lol. Hes a nerd who mentions his "cool" friends casually (except everything w jim is calculated)

agreed what i also heard was like oh wow you guys will be shocked i text with Don Lemmon, it's so wierd cuz im just soooo conservative and he's a lefty.

No you're both gay men who suck each others dicks. Literally.

He took a few seconds to come up with "furniture." Probably because he couldn't say "bath house."


Did he mention this in the show? Got a time stamp? Im sure he disaproves of Don's new years eve drunk shenanigans.

Jim is Don's Kathy Griffen

Don Lemon is a fucking house nigger

Good ol' Don "Those black teens who kidnapped and brutalized that retarded fella who voted for Trump were just misunderstood kids who were victims of their urban upbringing" Lemmon


Didn't he rant about how much of an asshole he was for not giving him an autograph a few years back?

They give each other cock sucking tips.

They share their undying thirst for cock

Is that Don on the phone?

This kind of explained Jim's throwing Louie under the bus. He said Don sent him the article, which they probably had a discussion about. Jim probably felt he couldn't say anything that would contradict his discussion with Don where he probably agreed with everything he said. Worm.

Every time shill boy Lemmon is faced with truth on his show, he interrupts by saying the guests name repeatedly and then tramples over them with his propaganda. Actually all those ridiculous leftist anchors seem to do that, like that Kate Bolduan cunt for example.

they're both fags.

good ol Don 'is there any chance this mossing malaysian airlines flight could have been sucked into a black hole' Lemmon