Now, you might be asking yourself: "Hey...why wouldn't you just hang up the phone if you heard him masturbating on the other end?" or "Wait a minute...why wouldn't you just leave the room if he took his dick out?"....well there's a very simple answer for that...

15  2017-11-10 by TangerineReam


This is why they believe there's such a thing as RAPE CULTURE (there isn't): Because THEY DO NOT KNOW HOW TO HANDLE A HARD/DIFFICULT/CRAZY SITUATION when they're confronted by it, without training. This is also why women tend to be more collectivistic and less individualistic: Safety in numbers. No surprise why they're behind or support Title 9, safe spaces, or an overarching control over society that seeks to regulate things like "unconscious bias", which would literally mean that you would have to throw your hat into the ring of thought policing, just to prevent the concept of "confrontation" and be "SAFE"

"There is an essential feminine pathology, just as there is an essential masculine pathology. And the essential feminine pathology Freud mapped out, it's the Oedipal mother. And the Oedipal mother is the mother who gets too close to her children, and intermingles herself with them to too great a degree. That in her attempts to protect them undermines them, fatally...It's so comical watching the feminist postmodernists in particular rattle on about the absence of gender reality and act out the archetypal devouring mother at exactly the same time. For them the world is divided into predators and infants. And the predators are evil and need to be stopped and the infants need to be cared for. Well, that's what the mother does, but adults are not infants, and all you do is destroy them when you treat them that way."

-Jordan Peterson


excellent quote careful sone (((people))) don't like JP on here.

I did his self authoring suite, it was AWESOME if you're thinking about it TangerineReam do it!


not free at the moment. he has run various specials and theres a discount code to get like 7 or 8 bucks off right now. I can look for it if you're seriously interested in doing it.

I'd be into checking it out. Is it on his website? I like the idea of circumventing the universities and just hosting your own independent sessions online, free from agenda. You really cant completely silence people anymore. How long are the sessions? He already posts them on his YT page, they're like 2 or so hours long?

its on

ok so i looked it up anyway if you do the whole package (you get two for one) instead of 29 its 23 he was just on jocko's podcast so its WILLINK it's worth it!

He was on Jocko's podcast?

yea it was one of the best podcasts i ever heard. Jordan can be academic and in long form someone with him helps keep it flowing. Since Jocko is so task oriented it was really great. 10/10

Peterson has a lot of good shit to say. He just loses me when he breaks down Disney movies into these elaborate works on the intricacies of life.

He's speaking allegorically, but I do see where he's coming from, considering all fiction shares the same handful of stories and themes. You can make that case with any story. Even actual porn movies (if they still make them).

No, I get what he's doing. And I agree with most of it. It's just gets monotonous for me is all. I guess allegory and analogies just bore me in those settings.

I hear ya, I love his stuff but cant listen to him unless hes on with say even rogan, willink or molymeme because its pretty dense stuff and they tend to get it personalized and dumbed down. it makes it way more listenable

Yep, the most interested I've been in hearing what he has to say was on some podcast or show. I've listened to a few of his classes but it's a chore. Find myself muting it and pulling up another tab to jerk off or something to wake the fuck up.

his self authoring suite was great

its asks a shit ton of hard questions. so worth it

I'll check it out. Do you by chance know what it costs? If not I'll look into it more after work tonight.

Take a look above in This Thread is usually 30 you can get it 23

Gotcha, thanks bud. That's a fair price.

he's using archetypes, disney uses them since they use historic fairy tales and the same motifs for their films

Why would you go to a hotel room of a person you really don't now?Come on ladies what are you twelve

It fascinates me when women use mocking a man's penis size as their main insult and/or comeback. As I see it, what they're really saying is that they love huge girth-y penises and consider having their vaginas stretched to the limit to be the true measure of a man. And they wouldn't know the difference unless they've experienced many penises, which makes them whores. So what they're really saying is "you probably don"t have a penis large enough to pleasure me because my vagina has been totally plundered by enormous dicks since forever".

Now if a man insulted a woman by saying "your vagina is probably saggy, loose and smells like a fish store" they'd gasp with outrage, as they've all been conditioned to believe that their clams are pure magic and every male would do anything to experience it. Yet men rarely if ever insult women by mocking the quality of their genitalia, it's exclusively a female thing.

Thus we can safely conclude that most women are penis-crazed sluts who never, ever stop thinking about having huge hogs pounding their boxes into total oblivion. And they call US the perverts.

He's speaking allegorically, but I do see where he's coming from, considering all fiction shares the same handful of stories and themes. You can make that case with any story. Even actual porn movies (if they still make them).

he's using archetypes, disney uses them since they use historic fairy tales and the same motifs for their films

No, I get what he's doing. And I agree with most of it. It's just gets monotonous for me is all. I guess allegory and analogies just bore me in those settings.