Louis to make a statement today. What do you think he'll say?

12  2017-11-10 by Lilcumia

A caller phoned into Jim and Sam and said someone on a morning show said Louis was going to come out with a statement. I hope it's not an apology for damage control.


Hopefully it will be a video of him undressing and then jacking it in front of God and everyone.

Steer into the skid it's the only way he comes out the other side.

how do you mean?

He's got to be like "yeah I did it and if you can find a law I broke I'll bud dweyer myself here and now"

It means when you see a bunch of bridges burning you throw gasoline onto it and start a heroin addiction.

It's a car metaphor.

He would be a legend here if he just said, "these hack unfunny cunts can't cut it in the comedy world, so they're trying to string up anyone with a name to get their name in the paper, in hopes their ticket sales hit a bonus once a month."

But then he wouldn't be able to afford to keep his yacht.

"The rumors are true....Rich Vos will be at the Comedy Connection in Rhode Island November 17 & 18"

This is true

He will grovel. If he wasn't the grovelling type he wouldn't be in this position.

β€œAny whores wanna watch me whack off?”

Would be incredible if he took the funny angle.

Since alcohol was mentioned during one of the incidents, he may say his drinking turned him into a jack off artist and he will go to rehab.

when they came for Harvey I said nothing

because I was not Harvey ...

guessing he'll open with this.

So, I jerk off? what's the big deal? Amy Schumer sold her soul to Satan and nobody talks about that when she's onstage with Madonna at the Comedy Cellar.

He should take a lesson from Mel, and be a man.

"So I fucking jerked off in front of these cunts. Who fucking gives a shit. My fucking cunt wife at the time wouldn't fuck me and my fucking cunt daughter was being a fucking asshole. I needed to fucking cum and these fucking cunts said it was okay at the time. If they fucking had a problem they could've fucking said no or just fucking left. What the fuck am i going to do? Fucking run after them? Fucking look at me! I'm a fucking balding, fat, faggot piece of shit. I just wanted to fucking jerk off and fucking eat a few gallons of fucking ice cream and fucking go to sleep. Fucking cunts being a bunch of fucking cunts. I hope they fucking get AIDS in their stupid cunts. Nigger." ~ Louis CK, circa 2008

Bob Kelly circa now


He’s coming out as gay too

Hopefully, he will say

"Don't, don't, don't, this will hurt someone."

My favorite part is when some other guy reaches for a paper next to the gun envelope how Bud panics and grabs it fast, thinking the other guy might be picking it up.

The female callers are defending louie more than jim and opie roberts. What a time to be alive.

"Aaaaaaaah peckahass!"

He will say nothing and jerk off in front of everyone

He will call Sarah Palin's daughter a retarded cunt.

Abba dabba doo open ya yap,here comes the goo.OH.

He's got to be like "yeah I did it and if you can find a law I broke I'll bud dweyer myself here and now"

It means when you see a bunch of bridges burning you throw gasoline onto it and start a heroin addiction.

It's a car metaphor.