Gervais says Jim is a friend. Not sam though.

20  2017-11-10 by Dennyislife


There is no reason for him to be friends with Sam Robertson. He is a piece of gahbige.


As he should

Usually Samm Levine is the guest host, but he was out so they had (I think) the guy that edits the show, I think his name is "Sam" too. They said "What should we call you, 'Sam 2?' 'Better Sam?'" And the guy goes "Just call me 'Not Sam'" and the entire room went "WHOA, WHOA NOOO!" He goes "What did I say?" and everyone went "It's a thing, just...never refer to 'Not Sam,' in any capacity in here unless you want your legs broken."

Oh I skipped the intro.

My buddy works at West Side Comedy Theater where they record this, he told me about it.

Good friends always confuse you with Bob Kelly