Reddit user's are OUTRAGED by accusations that Patton Oswalt murdered his wife.

9  2017-11-10 by NemoNobody_2092


The whole joke started because there was obviously something further going on then he didn't want to get out. If you actually read the reports it's pretty obvious that one or both were pill poppers.And then you have the movie like story of her coming very close to finding some legendary serial killer and then just dying beforehand. It's almost so cliche it sounds like the plot of some B movie thriller. This is the sort of over correction you get if you just pretend to be the perfect victim and that everything was perfectly fine beforehand. They were junkies and one of them overdosed. Just admit it and take the shame you deserve.

Date line NBC presents : Fears of a clown

Exactly, at best there’s serious negligence here on his part or as you said he was also in a drug fugue so was oblivious to her state. The fat little hobbit is not some transcendent victim.

''Oh so you think it's a man's job to control his woman too.

So you're a sexist on top of being a garbage human. ''

Huh? No but if my wife was doing Xanax, Fent and Adderal and had some sort of MDMA derivative? (or was it cocaine?) in her bag and I had a young daughter with her, I'd probably have a word.

It looks like we're on our own in this crusade for justice.

Dude only post no participation links youre gonna get this place nuked

If the constant use of the word nigger, faggot etc hasn't got us banned, neither will this

The problem is when faggots from this sub go and spread our filth to other subs and bitches complain about brigading. It's our responsibility to quarantine our shitposting so that we may continue to have this safe space for sharing blue yumor.

The comment you linked to was deleted anyway, so just be a good mensch and post a screen shot instead of linking to normie subs

Murdered in the same way Andy Dick murdered Phil Hartman, or that Jim Carrey murdered his girlfriend, or that Dr. Eroshevich murdered Anna Nichole Smith, or that Conrad Murray murdered Michael Jackson.

So, yes.

User apostrophe s.

I really love that this sub created this horrible urban legend about pat that you hear every now and then. Like marylin manson removing his rib so he could suck his own dick. Im sure some school kids are talking about how patton did it on a school yard somewhere.