Vulture article 'Louis C.K. Is Done'.

12  2017-11-10 by suchanjv


Louis "It doesn't matter if you don't obey, I'll masturbate in front of you anyway" CK

Louis "If she resists I will persist" CK.

fawkin louis "im gonna jerk off on your face or sumphin" ck

Dat's a good one, cuz

Yeah, this isn’t going to end Louis’ career.

It ends his auteur dreams. Nobody is going to want him to do pretentious bullshit anymore. He's going to have to go away for a while and hope people miss his 2000s era stand up for a revival. And that's not going to make him happy because he never wanted to be the guy he was in 2006, that was just a way for him to get to be able to get money for I Love You Daddy style bullshit. It would be a nightmare for him to have to spend the rest of his career back to being a low brow stand up instead of an artsy Woody Allen.

it will in most ways:

no more late night shows, no more awards, no more stand up without getting heckled to shit, no more backing from networks and production companies

he's done for the most part

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 90%. (I'm a bot)

In August, Notaro urged C.K. to "Handle" the allegations by fully addressing them - something he still hasn't done.

One of the most disquieting parts of the Times piece finds C.K. privately apologizing to a woman for a 2003 incident and getting the details wrong, which suggests he'd done this sort of thing frequently enough that he can't keep track of the particulars.

The Times revelations make it seem in retrospect as if C.K. was trying to get away with something in those episodes - convincing people that he was more like the Louie who joked onstage about male hypocrisy and impulse control than the predator blocking a door; or the C.K. who made I Love You, Daddy, a work that seems designed to taunt anyone who ever had a problem with Woody Allen's sexual politics and behavior, or worried that the rumors about C.K. might be true.

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