Bill Nye had a reddit AMA today and it didn't go so well for him

168  2017-11-10 by Whydontulovemelynsi



Bill Nye is a cunt.

I was in a shit mood after a long day of work that just finally ended, but reading the Louie news as well as this really warmed my heart.

Fuck this mechanical engineer who acts like a scientist being the propaganda voice for the most evil people on the planet.

i'm still in a good mood over CK's fall. We've been waiting for this, this is much better than when opie was fired

Judging from what I saw from the trailer, there's a burn on his ex-wife in that movie. She must be diddling her old deflated clit to the recent news.

she needs ck to have money.

Nah, I wouldn't say it's better that Tits getting fired. Louis used to be really funny, but now he's just a cuck.

This makes me happy.

Thats what happens when you have a show with a dancing dyke singing about her HPV ridden cunt.

Oh oh oh my sex junk ha ha ha holy shit

*I gave it to Sue Lightning in the shitter

Believe you me, she's not a quitter*


Did you like where Bill nye was DJing and he fawking dropped tha beat?

If I ever kill myself im going to say that's the reason why

Actually she's monogamously married to another Jew.

What is this a reference to? I missed the Bill Nye's a cunt train.

Things really are turning around lately and I love it.

Marxists just couldn’t let guys play video games in peace.

its more the post-modernist than anything, as Peterson would say. That, or "cultural marxists".

They fucked with the wrong dude

Kermit don't play

I feel like this was a very faggy comment

Same thing fag, but marxism is more pointed and truthful and names the perps more directly. It has a connotation of jewish revolutionaries in 1917 russia, from Churchill's pen

There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate, Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek -- all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combatting Counter-Revolution [the Cheka] has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses.

whereas "post modern french intellectuals" that JBP talks about implies they're french. the most toxic and influential (Derrida) was not french, but, surprise, jewish

Oh so this is an anti-jewish thing for you...

It just so happens that its origins and many of its most forceful proponents, then and today, are Jewish... really makes you think...

The sub is going full blown antisemitism without a hint of jest lately.

I don't like it

there is no anti-Semitism without Semitism

It's weird how the Jews can mock everything around them, but the slightest mention of them not being Jedis is considered antisemitic.

Jewish-owned TMZ spends 95% of its time portraying blacks as savages. Meanwhile, shows like SNL, The Daily Show, Bill Maher and virtually all Jewish media always use Christian Evangelicals when mocking religion as a whole. Never Jews, orthodox or not. Isn't Judaism a religion?

Who are all these Jews to make fun of Christianity when their own customs and religion is filled with just as much nonsense?

Like Christians, Jews can be both good and bad. Making like they're a superior race above all reproach is what gets even the moderates rolling their eyes.

They own our media now, and could do a better job of not focusing on Christianity so much when making the point that Atheism is the future. Clean up your own yard before laughing at ours.

It's weird how the Jews can mock everything around them, but the slightest mention of them not being Jedis is considered antisemitic.

Jewish-owned TMZ spends 95% of its time portraying blacks as savages... while shows like SNL, The Daily Show, Bill Maher and virtually all Jewish media tend to use Christian Evangelicals to make the point that religion is stupid. Never Jews, orthodox or not. Isn't Judaism a religion?

Who are all these Jews to make fun of Christianity when their own customs and religion is filled with just as much nonsense? For instance, Judaism is passed on through the mother, right? I would love for Jewish media to make fun of that. Why just the mom? There's a religious reason for it they're not talking about, because it would make them look as crazy as those Christians they mock.

Atheist Jews know better than to go after their own religion. Why? Because a show using Jews to mock how silly religion is would never be allowed on the air.

No skin off my ass, at least you know what you're talking about

The originators of every important social theory - hell, even of Christianity - were Jews. Jews also win like a million times the Nobel Prices they should, based on their statistical representation. The reason is that Jews are fawking smaht.

Do you think it was the Jewish master plan to create Christianity, capitalism, communism, etc. all at the same time to confuse us, while they get slaughtered in Germany in the 30s and 40s, just so they can rule over a piece of dirt in the desert?

your post is a mess

That "piece of dirt" as you call it, is the holiest and most desirable city on the planet to half the population.

Meh, I'd rather have Berlin.

Cultural Marxism worked up to a point because men always had their "escape zones". Football, video games, whatever.

Now men don't have a place to get away from the crazy anymore & they're waking up. The only question is whether it's too late.

"Cultural Marxism" is a meaningless term that idiots use.

It refers to the forced promotion of certain ideas in a way that excludes conversation or debate. Not that difficult to understand.

What does that have to do with Marxism?

It is a reference to the totalitarian nature of Marxism. The name is not meant to imply that it's literally Marxist.

You obviously know nothing about Marxism.

Yes, I'm sure it sounds wonderful on paper.

That shows you don't know what Marxism is.

You are confusing Marxism and Communism.

You sound like the kid fuckers who get really indignant about the difference between pedophila and ephebophilia.

You sound like someone whose education consists only of browsing /r/opieandanthony.

Reported and blocked, you've triggered my PTSD by attacking me in my home.

Conflict theory? That’s what it has to do with Marx. Cultural Marxism or neo-Marxism takes Marx’s theories of class conflict and applies them to other groups in society (like trans people).

That is absurd. The only thing they have in common is the word "conflict."

"Cultural Marxism" is used to discredit Marxism in the same way that "Social Darwinism" was used to discredit Darwinism.

That’s not all they have in common. They’re methods of analysis which function exactly the same, by looking at the power relations between groups in society and assuming they interact on the basis of conflict rather than consensus, with relative power ultimately deciding outcome. It’s not that they have one factor in common; it’s that they have one difference, whether the group is exclusively economic class, or whether the group can be anything from sexuality/gender to ethnicity.

It’s also used extensively as a tool in academia, for analysis, and thus requires a name to describe it. If you prefer I can say “a tool of analysis that examines power relations between identity based demographic cleavages in society,” but that’s wordy, whereas Marx’s conflict theory references an existing theory in which you expand the possible groups you use in the analysis.

Social conflict theory is a Marxist-based social theory which argues that individuals and groups (social classes) within society interact on the basis of conflict rather than consensus

That's it? Conflict and Power? That isn't unique to Marxism.

In societal analysis? Who did that before Marx?

It isn't used in Academia. It was in the past but not in that sense.

That’s just untrue. You’ve clearly never taken a sociology 100 class.

They’re referring to a conspiracy which infers the goal is to destroy western society. Of course that’s not true. That’s not the same as saying no one generalizes the analysis of conflict theory to other groups in society.


The term "Cultural Marxism" never appears in this article. Also, there isn't much here. The sources are a couple books from 1980. Something from 1974 and Marx. People using the term "Cultural Marxism" are not referring to this.

Who did that before Marx?

never taken a...

I have.

Are you retarded, or being intentionally obtuse?

Yes, Charles dickens and others acknowledged that there were different classes. That doesn’t mean they analyzed conflict between groups in societies.

So you are really going to ignore everything else that I wrote?

Social Darwinism is bullshit that -although it was inspired by Evolution- has no real relation to Evolution.

Cultural Marxism is bullshit that -although it was inspired by Marxism- has no real relation to Marxism.

There’s definitely a “real,” relation between the two, even if one doesn’t justify the other.

Cultural Marxism isn’t justified by Marxism either, but it’s a tool of analysis inspired by Marxism, just as social Darwinism is inspired by Darwinism. That’s the reason for the description, even if they aren’t interchangeable. Sure, there are other words, like eugenics, but there’s nothing wrong with describing social Darwinism as social Darwinism.

The problem is that bad theories "inspired" by good theories are used to discredit the good theories. This is the primary purpose of current Cultural Marxism.

Lmao according to who?

Google it.

The term remained academic until the late 1990s when it was misappropriated by paleoconservatives as part of an ongoing Culture War... This conspiracy theory version of the term is associated with American religious paleoconservatives ...but also holds currency among alt-right/white nationalist groups and the neo-reactionary movement.[66][57][67] Adherents of the conspiracy theory often seem to mean that the existence of things like modern feminism, civil rights, gay rights and atheism are dependent on the Frankfurt School, even though these movements predate The Frankfurt School.

Weyrich, Paul. "Letter to Conservatives by Paul M. Weyrich". Conservative Think Tank: "The National Center for Public Policy Research". Retrieved 30 November 2015.

KhosraviNik, Majid; Mral, Brigitte (2012). Right wing populism in Europe: Politics and discourse (1st. publ. 2013. ed.). London: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 96, 97. ISBN 978-1-7809-3245-3. Retrieved 30 July 2015.

Richardson, John E. "‘Cultural-Marxism’ and the British National Party: a transnational discourse". In Copsey, Nigel; Richardson, John E. Cultures of Post-War British Fascism

And there's a lot more.

Frankfurt School

The Frankfurt School (German: Frankfurter Schule) is a school of social theory and philosophy associated in part with the Institute for Social Research at the Goethe University Frankfurt. Founded during the interwar period, the School consisted of dissidents who felt at home in none of the existent capitalist, fascist, or communist systems of the time. Many of these theorists believed that traditional theory could not adequately explain the turbulent and unexpected development of capitalist societies in the twentieth century. Critical of both capitalism and Soviet socialism, their writings pointed to the possibility of an alternative path to social development.

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Nowhere does that even remotely suggest neo-Marxist ideas are “used to discredit the good theories.”

It says these movements don’t originate in the Frankfurt School. Sure, no shit? They originate in academia, though, especially sociology. Check out this video, for example:

Ok. You're an idiot. This is a waste of time.

Where does it say anything about analysis focused on a power between groups?

Retard, Conflict theory isn't Cultural Marxism.

Cultural Marxism is conflict theory with the group changed to race, gender, sexuality etc, at least as it’s used in this thread, rather than exclusively class.

Not really. It's taking Marx' capitalist-proletariat dichotomy and applying it as an oppressor-oppressed narrative on all kinds of other areas. Race, gender, sexuality, whatever.

Thats because you are confused about what it means.

Some guys just want to see the world burn.

Mashta bruce

I️ wouldn’t let him baby sit

This guy's kids already know about "butt stuff"

I bet he doesn't even play Turkey Foot or take part in the ol Frickle Frackle.

I hope this prick is the next one exposed as a kid touched.

His behavior recently makes me think someone has some compromising photographs of him.

Why when you go to his AMA it looks as though he has a freemason logo to the left of his name?

I so desperately want people coming forward saying that Bill Nye forced them to watch him masturbated in his room.

Calling yourself the science guy and makign a show called [Your name] Saves the world in which you lecture people is a form of exposed mastubation

Holy shit, he's gotta be on the spectrum.

Wow, even the safe space faggots of Reddit are turning on him. I love it.

The longer replies are a bit to autistic.

Wait, liberal reddit users who are liberal tore Bill (a liberal) apart like this? What world did I just wake up into?

It was probably a 4chan hate brigade

If it was, the hate brigade was correct and backed up with facts.

Facts tend to be whatever reinforces the worldview of the beholder these days

Yeah it's great

nick alpha maleing him was probably the best thing he's ever done.

came here to post this


Get used to it Jews. Though you are right to be afraid of him and what he represents, Trump is nothing compared to what you have coming to you.

Is it worth bill nye losing his 25+year career as americas most beloved "scientists" over one bad netflix show?

Yes... yes it is.

The guy who corrected Nye about electron orbitals is only half right. Classically, an electron orbiting a proton will be in a decaying orbit as it will radiate energy as bremstrahlung since it is constantly accelerating.

Nye is right that if electrons orbited the nucleus classically then all atoms would collapse. He did say annihilate which is a different process, but that's nitpicking somewhat given that Nye's talking about the classical scenario which is a false model in the first place.

What they should have called him on is the fact he begged the question, which is a greater wrong for someone who calls themself an educator. Answering "Why don't atoms collapse?" with "It's the nature of atomic forces" is shit.

Sorry dude your phone cut out.

YoUr OpInIoN wAs NeCeSsArY

Holy shit, I had no idea he was such a smarmy cunt. This was awesome to read. Why do an ama if you don't answer questions?

Remember when Nick Dip called him an asshole? Complete with a HO-LEE SHIT.

No slap on the desk = no sale.

Does this continue? Where can I find this whole segment?

I knew carl sagan,and you sir,are no carl sagan...shit,ya ain't even Mr. Wizard...

Glad this is happening to him. From what I understand, he is a pretty miserable person to be around anyways, so he's getting what's coming to him now.

Yeah he seems deeply up his own ass and smug

This is great stuff. Very pleased to see Bill Nye getting a full force dick punch, repeatedly. Fuck bill nye. Bill Nye fucking sucks.

Climate change deniers who accuse other people of politicizing science dont understand irony.

He's the real life George St. Geegland. I hope he gets mercury poisoning from too much tuna.

Carry on.

nice formatting dude

Can't wait until the sexual charges start against this partisan phony.

I hope they turn on black science man next.

My sources say that he flirted with a woman once. If that ever gets out he's done for.

His name is Space Negro. Be respectful, sir.

Either Nye did a shitty job, or the people that run AMA's have all turned to shit. His responses sound like there was a machine translation somewhere along the way. That, or it sounds like a shitty AI bot.

Bill Nye: queeb or quay?

Oh shit 3 questions in and this is getting brutal. Brutiful.

this is what happens when a bunch of your white fans feel nostalgic about you and resurrect your career, and you repay them by having an indian guy on your show monologue about how they’re all racist and having a buddha statue in your house and eating sushi is cultural appropriation

Watching that whole segment, you have to be really really sensitive to actually be offended by what was just a joke.

it wasn’t offensive, it was preachy and unfunny.

100% true it was just that, but others went full on he's Anti-White.

I can't wait for some guys to come forward and say that Bill Nye molested them starting when they were 4 until they were 8 and too old for him.

Duuuuude that science guy is so fucking smarmy...

Nye is a comedian and if we've learned one thing from O & A it's how fucked up comedians fundamentally are.

/u/Whydontulovemelynsi thank you for your service.

However, the fact that you read the whole bill nye AMA makes me believe you are apart of the global warming CONSPIRASEE

its cold as a muug up here, cuz

What happened to the post?

Whatcha mean?

Says its removed.

Oh, fag mods probably removed it because I didn't us np links.

He's a cocksucker.

Look at how well this is formatted and you provided all these links <3

tanku daddi :)

In middle school, seeing that TV wheeled in meant watching Bill Nye instead of learning. And now he's a chud. Say it ain't so, Bill.

Not only is he an idiot, he's also a condescending dickhead. I'm glad he got smacked around for his retarded stance on nuclear power.

Oh this warms my spirit good

This is better formatted and sourced than anything that showed up on /r/drama or /r/subredditdrama

BN saves the W

What a fucking faggot.

"If things were any other way, things would be different."


This is the perfect opportunity to promote Michio Kaku as the new king of science entertainment

If things were any other way, things would be different.

Dis guy is good!

Thank you for your autism

ITT: expert elites

Thanks for writing the summary. Saved me plenty of time.

It's funny to see the reddit normies go from sucking this guy's cock at every opportunity to openly hating him for being a smarmy charlatan queeb. If you look at his most recent comments you'll notice the majority of them are either heavily downvoted or have the "controversial" tag. His last AMA 6 months ago was completely positive, so either the faggots are waking up to his agenda or Netflix has stopped paying for his PR astroturfing. Here are a few gems: +182 Great to see you here! Bill Nye the Science Guy was one of my favorite shows growing up. Science does indeed rule. My question - What was your favorite TV appearance outside of your own shows? I thought you were hilarious in Stargate Atlantis. -643 Uh.... I don't have one favorite. Stargate was cool. So was Amy Schumer. I just shot a scene with the Muppets for an upcoming Sesame Street. I got the crew to laugh (not easy). I love playing Professor Rubicon on Miles From Tomorrow Land. Turn them all up loud! +2036 So did you and Amy have a competition to see whose Netflix special could get the worst rating? +203 Hi Bill, what are your biggest plans for 2018? -771 If nothin' don't happen (sic), we'll make some more Bill Nye Saves The World shows. I also want to polish a screen play and make my feature film. Then, I think I'd like to go for a long bike ride. +2283 No thanks. +290 My brother wants to know: Why don't electrons collapse toward the positively charged protons in the nucleus of an atom? -731 Magic.... No wait. It's the nature of atomic forces. Start by noticing that it must somehow be more complicated than electrons in orbit. If it were that way, they'd spiral into the nucleus and be annihilated. The move in "orbitals" rather than orbits. If things were any other way, things would be different. +810 (response 1) This answer is wrong and anyone with a BA in physics would understand that. Antimatter and counterpart matter cause annihilation process not a proton and an electron. Additionally the Earth doesn't spiral into the sun because of the total energy of the system. Electrons could behave the same way in the nucleus, but they don't for other reasons. +661 (response 2) If you're unqualified to answer a question just say that or don't address it at all.. just like you're conveniently not answering any of the questions regarding your Netflix show.. +550 (response 3) Follow-up question: How do you have a successful 24 year career as a public educator of science without understanding (i) how electromagnetic fields work; (ii) that electron capture and annihilation are different processes, requiring different particles? +3573 I don't know if you've been asked this before, but do you stand with the direction your new TV show went or was that a decision from the producers? Looking back now, would you change anything about it -2207 I am pretty you're complaining about something. My show, any show, has to be an extension of the host, or it just doesn't quite work. So far, I'm very happy with BN Saves The W. +630 Yes Bill, we ALL are complaining about that dumpster fire of a show called "Bill Nye Saves the World" where science is thrown out the windows, and insert MUH FEELINGS are thrown in. So, when you hosted Bill Nye the Science Guy where you talked about only 2 genders, confirmed by either an XY or XX Chromosome set that was an extension of you? Or was it when you had "sex junk", where your vagina talks to you and tells you that you need more anal play? Was that an extension of you? Is that your fetish, Bill? Well clearly, the majority doesn't [like BNSTW] and it shows with horrible ratings, despicably high thumbs down on youtube, and a pretty big backlashing against you. If you want to Save the World, it's a pretty safe bet that you will not be the one to do it, so maybe you should just lay low and retire like a normal 90s kids show star. +138 Hi Bill! If it was an option, would you be willing to debate climate change with a denier the way you did with Ken Hamm and evolution? (which by the way you handled wonderfully). I can't help but think you'd change a few minds. -410 I debate climate contrarians continually. Check out the documentary film Bill Nye: Science Guy. I take on one in particular. (I had no creative control of this film. The producers brought an outsider's point of view.) +791 Your dishonest language is one of the many reasons why people are getting fed up with you. Is it really not possible for you to engage in a single conversation without strawmanning anyone who dares to question your memorized partisan political statements that you incorrectly label "science"? Perhaps you should change your stage name to "Bill Nye the partisan guy", at least then people can more easily deduce that you're here to represent political and corporate interests, not science. The scientific method used to be about engaging in HONEST and OBJECTIVE inquiry, deductive reasoning and critical thinking, even if that means being a contrarian and going against popular opinion (GASP). It's not about scoring points for your favorite political team or helping the government find creative ways to tax people. And yes, I do believe humans contribute to climate change. That doesn't mean those who raise questions or want to debate the topic are "climate contrarians". "Contrarian" shouldn't even be in a "science guy"'s vocabulary. You know who else was a "contrarian"? Galileo. The guy who was jailed for expressing "contrarian" views. The same thing you have said should happen to those who question the human contribution to climate change. -180 Hi Bill! Your television program in the 90s helped to start my passion for science! So thanks for that. :) my question for you is: have you ever thought about running for public office? A guy like you could do great things! -82 Thanks for your kind words. Yes, I've thought about running for office. But, I'm pretty sure I'm better at what I'm doing now than I would be as a politician. With that said, I do a lot of work as an advocate for space exploration. My staff works with the US Congress especially everyday. Check out, look for the Advocacy button. +344 Pretending to be a scientist must be easier than actually being a politician +210 In terms of influential politicians, which ones do you think you've had an impact in changing their minds? -480 None yet... or have I? Is there someone, who used to watch the show, and is now in government, who was influenced by my crew and me? Hmmmm.... +530 HE WAS ASKING WHO THE FUCK YOU HAVE SPOKEN TO. How hard is it to say "I sat down with X and had a really great conversation about the impact of Y" +267 What will be the most important scientific advancement in the next 10 years? In your opinion -801 Don't know. It will be an advancement, yes? +1161 (response 1) Jesus Christ Bill just answer the fucking question and stop being such a douche bag all the time +302 (response 2) Holy shit bill. What will be the most important advancement in the next ten years? "Dont know, it will be an advancement" I hate watching one of my heroes die in front of my eyes. +228 Scientifically speaking, in your opinion is a hot dog a sandwich? -545 I like sandwiches. I like hot dogs. In current English usage, I strongly recommend specifying which you'd like. The words and phrase are not interchangeable. It's a complicated world, I guess. +681 You dodged the "is a hot dog a sandwich" question like a fucking politician. I don't know if I should feel impressed or confused as to why you'd dodge that fucking question. +417 Can you record a video of you singing the Bill Nye The Science Guy theme song and reply the link? -1385 Uh... I don't sing the song. Other people do. This is very traditional in tv and radio. Gilligan doesn't sing Gilligan's Island theme song, for example. On The Late Show or Saturday Night Live, a narrator introduces the host and the casts. Carry on. +557 Wow. Are you intentionally being insulting? Or does it just come naturally? I'm disappointed because an entire generation looks up to you and would love to use this an opportunity for fun and learning. Instead you are turning it into a nightmare with your condescending attitude.

Oh oh oh my sex junk ha ha ha holy shit

Did you like where Bill nye was DJing and he fawking dropped tha beat?

its cold as a muug up here, cuz

Actually she's monogamously married to another Jew.

That’s not all they have in common. They’re methods of analysis which function exactly the same, by looking at the power relations between groups in society and assuming they interact on the basis of conflict rather than consensus, with relative power ultimately deciding outcome. It’s not that they have one factor in common; it’s that they have one difference, whether the group is exclusively economic class, or whether the group can be anything from sexuality/gender to ethnicity.

It’s also used extensively as a tool in academia, for analysis, and thus requires a name to describe it. If you prefer I can say “a tool of analysis that examines power relations between identity based demographic cleavages in society,” but that’s wordy, whereas Marx’s conflict theory references an existing theory in which you expand the possible groups you use in the analysis.

What is this a reference to? I missed the Bill Nye's a cunt train.