This is still the worst thing Louie ever said or did.

23  2017-11-10 by grocery_man


Did Opie write the title? I'm all in with this Louis CK dogpile.

Preach away Louis you peesa gahbidge. No better than O'Reilly now huh you fuck.

He didn't say she was the better of the two, he said he'd take Hillary over any other candidate, because she's great. Shit, even most liberals were disappointed by the two options. He went hard for Hillary.

I think he might have been trying to preemptively deter any possible accusations from women by going all in for hillary. Maybe they won't tattle if he is on their side


I couldn’t watch the entire clip. Had to stop when he was saying a mother just got it. What happened to him? He just became so unbearable.

Hillary Clinton can take abuse. She's been taking it and taking it.

This is what's been going on. We've been hazing her. We've been holding her down and spitting in her mouth and yelling at her.

Look how excited Louie gets when he describes sexually abusing Hillary.

At the White House Correspondents Dinner he was planning to masturbate in front of her. I guarantee it 100%.

A couple of years before he was saying he might jerk it on her face.

Never go full Hilary.