Here’s one of the woman (Dana Min Goodman) accusing Louis CK of inappropriate sexual behavior actively sexually assaulting another woman

71  2017-11-09 by Dannyprecise


What a scumbag. Did she even ask for that woman's consent?

The cycle of abuse... it just never ends!

It's like a chain letter of molestation.

People who have been sexually abused tend to abuse others themselves.

Meanwhile Adam Sandler can't even get away with brushing a chicks knee.

It's one of those situations where I hate everyone so much that I both wish he had done way worse things to the women and I wish Louie was in Guantanamo right now being played deafening Larry the Cable guy sets night and day and getting water boarded.

It's win win and I've never been happier.

Nope, not gonna take his side. I don't care if he did it or not, let him burn.

OMG, and he' an anti-Semite too? What a scoundrel. Would be a shame if his hunting of vulnerable Jewish women were exposed.

It’s obvious that these women are just losers that never amounted to anything in their career. So with whatever looks they had to begin with starting to dwindle, why not hop on the me too train and recount tired stories of most likely highly over exaggerated events.

WHAT THE FUCK KINDA NAME IS "MIN"??? this is the thing that has be most bothered in the ny times article.....

Judging from the photo quality I'm guessing this happened in the 1880s.