Jim Norton issues a statement on Louis CK

285  2017-11-09 by unclepaul84

"You know...this a tough one. It's not really my place to comment."




Blink blink

"Nice work, Lou."

the i bang on the matter: A source told THR that the New York Times is about to break a story about Louis C.K., which may have something to do with the cancellation. Louis has also been cancelling press of late, including a planned appearance on Stephen Colbert’s Late Show. There is no indication that the story is positive or negative or whether it has anything to do with low lying rumors that have circulated in the past about possible sexually inappropriate behavior.

Gee, do you think it's a positive story?

You know, I have a feeling

Considering what its about it's actually not terrible. Its like the most positive an article about sexually harassing 5 women could possibly be.

I hope it is, in the fact that Louis CK is HIV positive from raping underaged Taiwanese trannys.

I assume it's about his charity work with struggling comediennes

The ibang is just happy someone quoted them.

inhale " You know I don't really know, I like Louie and I can't see him doing this but you never no man. There's a lot of scumbags out there that make up some crazy shit."

Jim:"Y'know dude I don't know he may or may not have actually done that to those women, it's not really my place to say, maybe that's what they wanted or they didn't I can only really speculate. What do you think Sam?"

Soulless Dolphin:"You don't like...think he really did it do you? Like he couldn't have just gone full frontal at any moment, I don't even do that with Jess."

Jim has made it an art to completely stay in the middle of the road with any type of political or touchy issue.

now that you mention it

he didn't get the nick name of THE WORM for nothing

"ya know, both sides have a point" *starts walking briskly for the exit

It's the fucking scumbags in the media who always do this invasive shit. He wasn't forcibly masturbating in front of these women in public, he was doing it in private. Everyone at the New York Times really should get AIDs and eat a bullet.

bet he was actually in the bed and he left the door ajar so they could leave, and each and every one chose to stay and look knowing it would get him off

"And ya know I can see both sides of this because who wants to walk in and see someone just whacking off.. 'FAHKIN' TUGGIN THEIR PECKAH TSSSST'... but nah man, this is a tough one..."

Trump was right; Mexicans are rapists.

thats big amy playing the republican character

If Louis has a problem I hope he enters a program and does the steps. He and his victims sent mixed signals to each other in what they said; the commonality of language failed here.

Jim "gutless fence sitting pussy" Norton

Leave it alone.

Patrice in heaven laughing his ass off.

Wasn't Patrice convicted of rape? Lol

No, Patrice was black. It was gang rape.

I know Patrice is black and to my knowledge there is no "gang rape" charge. He was convicted of rape. That doesn't mean he was guilty but he WAS convicted.

I wish Patrice gang raped you too.

Vury good

"You REPP!"

-Cunt at Canadian border

He was innocent though.


Yeah but it wasn’t rapity rape rape.

Statuotory rape. He was 14 years old.


Blacks don't go to heaven, stupid. They're like dogs.

Hate nortons biased towards comedians and sabbath

What else you guys besides the "tough" comment i keep seeing

Hey Jim, I know you don't talk bad about other comics but what about Amy Schumer being a fat stealing piggy?

"You know...this a tough one. It's not really my place to comment."

What about Aziz being a not talent bag of unfunny horse shit?

"You know...this a tough one. It's not really my place to comment."

Dave Smith?

"You know...this a tough on.... wait, he can't hurt me in the business. He's a fucking no talent bag of shit. Invisible third mic background noise."

You seem upset.

But is Dave Smith a comic?

You got a better chance of seeing God than Jimmy not supporting a sick fetish

And then it will come out that Jimmy blew Louie

deep sigh you know...

I'm not gonna motherfuck him man.

If I remember correctly, years ago O&A were reading a blind item from one of the rags about a "hilarious" comedian who trapped a female comic and forced her to watch him masturbate.

The guys said it was obviously Louis CK, and Jimmy said something like, "Good for him, I respect him even more now."

Would love someone to find this.

If someone were to find it, what would you suggest they do with it for maximum impact?

“That sex addiction is a muthafucker man”

He's waiting to see what Ricky Gervais says, then he'll parrot it.

(as he swallows some guy from Craigslists piss)

Middle of the road Norton is the absolute worst

I'm sure they'll talk about it on the show "You know, maybe it happened I don't know".... I mean, Louie hasn't been on the show any time recently, so it's not like they have much to lose by talking about it... a guy like DJ or Bob on the other hand...

Following up with "hmmm does your breath smell?"

If only Jim's advice show was around, Louis wouldn't have had to jerk off in front of those women.

I think his comment would be...

Look hasn't forced to a girl to watch you whack off. Right guys! rigghhhhtttt guyyyyys?

It's ok they also had a penis...


Jim was asking that Jon Bernathal what it was like working on set with Kevin Spacey. I hope he talks about his time on Lucky Louis working with Louis.

Considering what its about it's actually not terrible. Its like the most positive an article about sexually harassing 5 women could possibly be.