If you complained to the mods about what is being posted here you are a huge faggot!

67  2017-11-09 by A_Friendly_Creeper




My recent standup shots post was removed.


To actually write out a pm and send it to the mods complaining is literally the gayest thing I can think of.

Idk being Jim Norton...


Don't get very many of those. When we do, it's usually someone with the attitude of "I should be a mod, I'd run shit properly" and they're just some powerhungry little shit heel wannabe hall monitor.

Most of what we get is vague reports. People think that hitting the report button is sending the fucking bat signal to the Reddit admins and that something will be done about it, or maybe they think they can trick us into removing harmless content.

All they usually do is clog up the modqueue and shit that should be removed gets missed. And nobody gives a fuck either way.

Ok, thanks for the answer.

Is the person who reports on everything a pretty active user?

Please spill the beans on who the last fag is. I have an idea of who it may be since I always see the same 2-3 fags (you know who you are) complaining in every thread.

Using the word "literally" fucking pisses me off tremendously.

It won't happen again I swear.

Thanks babe

I reported your post because you idiots are going to get the subreddit closed down. You can't post a picture singling out users of other subs

It's not brigading and that is a picture that was made publically available.

Fair use, faggot.

Youre quoting legal terms like this a court room. This is a subreddit that clearly management doesn't like the direction of

I think my post may have been toeing the line a bit. Still didn't break any reddit rules.

I get it, in a way you're an artist. Constantly pushing boundaries. And Reddit looks down on this..ironic

Go report the icky vaginas on r/gonewild or something.


I wont report you for sying that because theres nothing wrong with being gay, and i will even take that as a compliment. So thank you!


It only becomes an issue when someone says where they got it from.

Just don't say where you got the standup shot from and it's a complete non-issue.

Malicious compliance is the goal.

How about this one?

pretty hard to believe apenia isn't being reasonable here!

Yeah, that apenia needs to get a sleep mask or somethin

Sleep apenia? Why not Awake gorillaBill or sumthin'? I dunno, juss riffin'

I just gave you an upvote, you asshole. People need to understand its a loving family here, queer.

Thanks babe, I mean homo.

What is the purpose of going into another sub with this malarkey? They don't give a shit, they're not in on our stupid inside jokes, and they have no clue what O&A is. Let's just stay in our little sub and keep jerking eachother off. It's harmless fun.

I communicate with you fags more than I do with my whole family.

Anything you want me to pass along to your mom after I finish tongue-punching her fart box?

Yes, he's right.

No you are!


Idk being Jim Norton...


Don't get very many of those. When we do, it's usually someone with the attitude of "I should be a mod, I'd run shit properly" and they're just some powerhungry little shit heel wannabe hall monitor.

Most of what we get is vague reports. People think that hitting the report button is sending the fucking bat signal to the Reddit admins and that something will be done about it, or maybe they think they can trick us into removing harmless content.

All they usually do is clog up the modqueue and shit that should be removed gets missed. And nobody gives a fuck either way.

Yeah, that apenia needs to get a sleep mask or somethin

Using the word "literally" fucking pisses me off tremendously.