J&S are surprised Sirius doesn’t want to promote their train wreck of a show

9  2017-11-09 by peopleforgetthat

No one is going to come listen to the show just because of one clip


Jim and Sam are in the right here.its just lazy not to include a show name in a description.

I guess they forgot being assholes to Dennis Quaid a week ago just to keep Mary Jean in studio...I’m glad they didn’t mention the show

It's best to blindside people with Sam Raqio and Jim Hughes faces.

I️ can’t stand mary Jean, but Dennis quaid can get fucked for refusing to go on the air

America is gonna fall in love when they realize the mics are already live when the guests come in the studio. Above all else, real.

It's quaint the way the host counts out loud as he's looking for the slider to figure out which mic to turn on!

Guys, I'm getting the feeling that Jim & Sam may be getting all their news and interpretations of news from here. Crazy, I know.

I was in a rental car that had sxm the other day and they did a promo for j&s on faction talk. It was an embarrassingly bad clip that couldn't possibly bring anyone in. I hope that wasn't the best they could find. Also the rest of the content on faction talk was abysmal.

Once the contract expires they'll not be renewed. Jim will join Ant (possibly as dead-Artie's replacement) and Sam will get some weird gig related to wrasslin. This...is the future.

i will say all your predictions are wrong

bet bet bet bet

I'm not sure why my eyes fucked my brain over, but I swear I read it as "Sam will get some car wash gig", which actually might be possible.

You know....I like the sound of that better than my idea