How is Sam Roberts a human being?

53  2017-11-09 by fingerofgawd


Whoever the one person in Sam's past that said he has a great head of hair did him a great disservice.

His whore mom, Bobbie Roberts

Whoever the one person in Sam's past that said he has a great head of hair, did him a great disservice had a great sense of humor.

this abomination was made for sitting ass naked on the end of a 2b pencil.

Office supply yumah.

Is he talking to Opie or Ellen circa 1996?

If it weren’t for modern medicine this disgusting hump would have died as a child. Without those HGH and hormone shots his parents gave him he would stand at three foot seven and he would have died of organ failure at 16.

why do they pass it off as "she wanted me to be bigger" and not "I suffer a serious, life threatening, deformative congenital disease of genetic origin. I would have progeria-kid proportions if it weren't for the hormone injections, and my strange body and voice are the remnants of the disorder I was born with"

Because he doesn't want his wife to have to think about the garbage genes he passed to their child.

Garbage genes? His kind have 2-3 times the strength of a human, and yet Sam has the ability to use language and rudimentary tools.

If anything, Lil' Edgar is blessed; I bet she's already chewed her way out of her crib more than once.

congenital disease of genetic origin

Isn't this redundant?

A congenital disorder, also known as birth defect, is a condition existing at or before birth regardless of cause.

for example FAS isn't genetic but is congenital

Well I'll be hornswoggled.

His parents thought he would turn into something human but they may have caused a glitch that will end humanity. It has multipled thanks to the unquenchable thirst of money and fame by females

Human Resources nightmare

this motherfucker cheated out of being a nigger. lucky bastard.

That’s an ugly troll doll

He looks utterly ridiculous.

Sam wishes his hairline still looked like that.

I was get annoyed when people do a “Sam is so ugly” post and then use an old picture. Because he looks so much worse now. Bob Kelly has an Instagram stories up now with Sam that appalled me

Sideshow Sam

Looks like a fuggin palm tree and shiznit

And that's a good photo of him his young years.

Now it's an absolute disgusting freak show.

He looks like he is in the middle of a transformation in a horror movie.

Back when he thought he could pass for black and tanned to really put it over. He was so proud.

Yahoo Sirius

Anybody ever seen that fox from zoobilee zoo?

In the same way Olive Garden is an Italian restaurant.

Those were his Sideshow Bob years, when he still looked human. Even Opie still had hair in this pic.

Why go back that far? Sam is absolutely monstrous TODAY.

Sam Roberts is the "Sideshow Bob" of radio. Both in appearance and thier constant scheming.

He looks like sideshow bob in this shot

Looks like Zach from Rage against the machine.