Please tell me Burr retweeted this ironically.

45  2017-11-08 by RBuddCumia


Jimmy Dore is an unfunny socialist.


Who's there? :)

Yeah but he is the biggest Obama, Clinton basher on the left so he ain't all bad

Yeah Obama wasn't progressive enough for him

Obama did kill a ton of muslims

And deported a lot of illegals too

so obama wasnt that bad at all.

He actually didn't. His administration just changed the standard for deportations to also include people turned away at the border. Barry actually barely removed any illegals from the country.

Yeah people who spit on people are really cool

Burr’s been on Jimmy Dore’s show before. It was total cringe. Jimmy was making hack jokes and Bill had to smile and wince through them.

Or is he nice because of what it represents to him 'mannnn'

Isn't it hilarious how people know absolutely nothing about the crusades but they don't let that stop them from drawing the conclusion that it was white men doing something evil?

It's almost the most defensible and justified war in human history.


Byzantines had been on the brink of disaster for decades and screaming to the West for help. Islam had slaughtered, enslaved and raped endless Christians -- they're still at it to this day -- and taken over thousands of square kilometres of formerly Christian lands only to be stopped by desperate Christian forces as far as the areas of modern France. Pilgrims were being murdered on the way to the Holy Land. It was a defensive and completely justified war against an aggressive foe and the only tragedy is that we didn't ultimately succeed.


"most defensible and justified war in history" is just an opinion. But yes I remember the public school version they taught as well.

The crusades were a series of wars. You are referring to the First Crusade though. Known as the most successful of the many failures that came after

Here is your First Crusade:

Basically a shit show that devolves into killing and pillaging towns filled with Christians and Jews on the way.

Many of the following Crusades were passed off as "holy and noble" but it's just a bunch of noble cunts wanting loot and prestige

Justify it however you want. I strongly suggest going through the series in the link. It's really well done

Or just be a condescending cunt while politicizing history. Whatever works.

You literally are acting like a 'condescending cunt' yourself while colouring history to suit your opinion. Whereas I've said nothing condescending or rude to this point. And I didn't learn much about the crusades in 'primary school' faggot. I learned from guys like Belloc and this great channel on Youtube which agrees with me -- oh shit, you mean there are other youtube channels that agree with me and not you? Impossible!

Waste of time talking to people like you.

Yes, Belloc the famed Catholic writer.

I gave you a link that was a relatively unbaised video depicting the events you claim to be "the most justified and defensible war in history"

Sorry for wasting your time

Yeah it's not like you can learn anything about the Holocaust from a Jew or the Reformation from a Protestant.

'Relatively unbiased' yeah like you know dickhead. :)

Yeah, studying history from multiple sources is essential. Basing historical knowledge from one perspective is being selective and just agreeing with your own preconceived notions

Only learning from "Belloc and others who agree with me" is like bragging about how ignorant you are.

The link I sent is stating the facts. Facts of the Crusade you seem so intent on disregarding. It's a nuanced view of history gathering facts from numerous sources

By all means don't watch it. Continue with the idea that the Catholic Church had no ulterior motives and the Crusades were heroic undertakings by good men.

Aggressively stubborn is probably the way to go

I'm a big Crusades guy, and unless you're retarded, you should understand that both Muslims and Christians were savage barbarians back then by today's standards. Neither side had morals that would be accepted by today's self-righteous barrista-bloggers.

Only scumbag Rich white kids are socialists in this country.


Nia told him to or shed divorce him

tsss why he married a bunch of tools or sumpthin????

too clever chip

Let's not get ahead of ourselves

is the D-Bag in the Raiders' shirt?

the d bag is the one with sunglasses on

What's wrong with Jimmy Dore? His show isn't bad. He's not a DNC ball licker

Hes a pussy who spat his drink on alex jones then ran away

haha really? That's awesome.

Its a bitch move only respected by faggots

Yeah but Alex Jones is a soft fat greasy retard, so it's a net good to spit on him. Also, why didn't he chase him down and show what an alpha male he is? Maybe it's because he's a tubby bitch with a big mouth and no balls?

No. And as i said, the dickhead did it then ran away. But you seem the sort of guy who would thoroughly enjoy the knockout game if the people doing it weren't black

Between Dore spitting on him and Ana Kasparian calling him a "fat fuck" Alex Jones got exactly what he wanted that day with Roger Stone. He made The Young Turks look like the sniveling children they are.

Also, why didn't he chase him down and show what an alpha male he is?

maybe because once someone spits in your face and runs away like a scared girl, you no longer have to prove you're the alpha in that situation.

Yeah, standing there like a bitch while water runs down your face is pretty alpha, you're right. It's definitely not because he's soft and fat.

"net good"

God, you are such a faggot.

Jimmy Dore's alright, but then again, I'm a far left faggot who hates the DNC for being too right wing.

He stinks! I too am I a left wing faggot and agree with a lot of his points . But he is about as funny as childhood leukemia.

I only know him from Twitter; I wasn't aware he claimed to be a comedian, mostly because he isn't funny.

He hates Hillary and that's enough for me

You like a guy who spits in a man’s face then runs away? Yeah, you’re a faggot.

Are all you guys dating Alex Jones or something? Who cares.

Burr is an LA whore. I wish him nothing but misery in his new life so he can atone for all of his racial privilege.

goddamn right



They should tell the grip technician to dim down the lights a tad for those folks.

I hadn't heard about this show until now, but I can only say this: The Jews are scared.

It's sad that TYT has a better set than Anthony.

Rupert Pupkin has a better set than Anthony.

tyt has tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars to play with

I forgot the Soros cash.

Nah, i mean one of the networks nbc or something pushed a boatload of cash onto them. They are being groomed to be the face of news for the ipad generation, plus they are basically greenlit by youtube. This is who is going to deliver newsfact in about 10 years.

Oh really? They're not getting demonetized for 'controversial' content, like literally every other news/comedy channel? Wow.

This is the last straw

Aggressive? Nothing says alpha like permanently lodging your tongue in black people and muslims assholes.

I am so happy I never heard of any of this shit, I'll pat myself on the back for being unaware.

Spoiler, it's the young turks

It's ogre for bill. He'll be raising his wife's son into an early grave.

Agressive Progressives? That's fawking good.

Durrr I’m such a progressive I care about all lives (except white people cuz racism durr) and I’m so AGGRESSIVE I spit on people and run away like a bitch.

Fuck Jimmy Bore.

Jimmy Dore is one of the biggest cucks ever. Unfunny and annoying too.

He once spit in alex jones' face

that is a capital offense.

Yes. I agree.

Jim Jones look a like contest.

No. And as i said, the dickhead did it then ran away. But you seem the sort of guy who would thoroughly enjoy the knockout game if the people doing it weren't black

Between Dore spitting on him and Ana Kasparian calling him a "fat fuck" Alex Jones got exactly what he wanted that day with Roger Stone. He made The Young Turks look like the sniveling children they are.

Also, why didn't he chase him down and show what an alpha male he is?

maybe because once someone spits in your face and runs away like a scared girl, you no longer have to prove you're the alpha in that situation.

so obama wasnt that bad at all.

"net good"

God, you are such a faggot.

He actually didn't. His administration just changed the standard for deportations to also include people turned away at the border. Barry actually barely removed any illegals from the country.