I recently edited the worthless parts in the Mel Gibson tapes. Any requests on what I should edit next ?

5  2017-11-08 by KingDoodie


Edit Opie out of every show ever made and replace him with that black comedian who says “hamburger!” After everything. I guarantee that it’s better than any show with Gregg.

I think random Hamburger Jones drops need to be embellished with a "ahhh ha ha ho ooohlee shit" reaction. I would shit my pants listening to that.

The Mr. McGregor bit without the solid 3 minute block of sound drops by Opie.

I came to laugh at all the ways people are telling you to kill yourself but I have to agree on this.

your life timeline

Edit yourself out of your family's lives?

I came to laugh at all the ways people are telling you to kill yourself but I have to agree on this.