Could've been a model

13  2017-11-08 by RBuddCumia


Rockin' that homeless guy look since 1995 brotha man!

Brian Houston lookin' hobo.

He could be the before shot for Rogaine.

He looks like a blonde Ray Comfort

Could've been a model........

........for fetal alcohol syndrome awareness campaigns.


His teeth are the same color as his hair.

most of them are, at least.

Jesus, that's amazing.

A poor mans chesty Howard Jones lookin motherhucker

He's got reverse Asian eyes

Fuck you Opie you faggot

That’s the only Henley he’ll be seeing until he pays up

Coulda been a drug model... Broadcastia, Broadcastia may cause irratibility, swelling of the breast, ideas of grander, and spontaneous bathroom filming. Before taking broadcastia please consult a psychologist to see if you have mother issues.