Two homosexuals taking in NYC

13  2017-11-08 by Dennyislife


black is slimming on Bobby..... pfffffttBAHAHAHA

I hate Sam’s chimpish upper lip.

the guy is a living Neanderthal. I know it seems like I'm joking, but I do think he's mostly unhuman

Humanoid is the correct term

Primate time Roberts

Please, for all that is holy, I don't care if he does it or not, but I need an explanation from Sam as to why he keeps those fucking receding negro pubes on his head.
Does he think it's still his "thing" like with his cotton candy hair as an O&A intern? It doesn't look whacky and cute anymore. It looks cancerous and upsetting.

Somebody described it as taco meat hair.

You're welcome.

He has a weird skull, it will look worse shaved

I know that's hard to believe, but it's true


Once you start going bald you need to shave your head.

If you don't you're an actual kid-fucker.

Then use a relaxer like all the other negresses and comb it back!

If he shaved his head and invested in a cap, he'd look quite the ge'tleman.

You know what duuuude you break outta jail, you got your precocious kid lost in the city duuude, boom ya got a sequel.

Look at the hair on that fucking hominid. I'd be too ashamed to even look at myself in the mirror, let alone go out in public.

Lmao @ dat hairline

I love how Sam is trying to make a cute,boyish smile for the camera.

that pic is so bad it seems photoshopped

He thinks he was being ironic or some shit but it’s just cringey as fuck

Sam needs that hat more than Bobby.

Street meat

Bobby Cartman, its been too long, brotherman.

bobby looks like every fat,sjw,trump hating chick...

Sam is turning into smeagol

Sam is turning into the Grinch.

Sam's work environment is one of of constant reminder of his inadequacy and irrelevance. being around comics and knowing they don't respect you, and you don't have what it takes to gain their respect or even acknowledgement as a peer if he tried his hardest, is a constant psychological pressure. you can see it in his body language and facial expressions. he is like the little brother hanging out with the older brother and his friends, or the new kid in town who found a group to hang with but will never have their history and never fully be one of the guys. i don't care what salary or social status it otherwise gives, to go to work every day for years knowing you are stuck with that is a cruel, punishing way to live one's life.

don't forget that these two have kissed each other on the lips

bob kelly is fat

Sam needs to seriously start considering either shaving his head or getting plugs.

He looks like a cartoon character.

Looks like Pennywise fucked the Grinch

He’s gotta shave that fuzz the fuck off

Shave your fucking head Sam.

Taking in New York cock

When did The Grinch ever interview Smugglypuff?