Go to 23:12 for more proof that Bill Burr is a self-hating white man. "I want to correct grammar in rap, but I'm afraid of big strong black men."

3  2017-11-08 by FirstWDay


Bill Burr gets real faggy when people talk about black people.

There's absolutely no way this man hasn't been reduced to an actual cuck, if he wasn't one to begin with. Bill, like all these comedian tortured artists, minus Artie, Stanhope, Norm, and a few others who actually practice what they preach in their act, is a complete fraud. It's a shame, cuz

I guess we just found out what friends Derosa would've been pissed off by him remaining friends with Ant.

Maron's a faggot, but atleast he's upfront about it.

Poor man’s Gilgore. No thanks. His Bill Burr style rants are much more insightful.

You'd be self-hating too if you were the white man who got Dave Chappelle to shut down his own show

What are you talking about, sir?

Bill supposedly laughed really hard on the set of the Chappelle show while Dave was doing a skit, some how prompting him to think everyone in the world was laughing at him.


i wonder if at the hill family barbecues nia's brothers think bill is some hip white guy who "gets it" or a giant pussy who is too dumb to have and defend a genuine opinion on race.

either way he isn't funny anymore and nobody with a sense of humor still listens to the MMPC.

I still listen out of habit, but I don't find it entertaining at all anymore. I hate what he's become.

That boy ain’t right I tell you hwat

Sorry ass faggot.Never come to the east coast. Stay in the land of fruit & nuts.

He has at least one anti-white comment in every public appearance/ podcast for at least the past year. I love racist humor but I'm not a racist. I wouldn't care what race he chose to marry. It doesn't matter that she's black. But Nia has rewired his brain, and I miss the old Bill. He's so woke now.

Listen to this. His white guy voice is a faggot. That's how he perceives white men.

Everyone blames Nia, but his friendship with Derosa, who he admires for reasons he can't articulate, turned him into a fag.