Human Globe/Walking Gastic Bypass Advertisement Gets Swindled by Dago Bret Michaels

5  2017-11-08 by crookedmile


She’ll be seeing grandma soon enough

Every obituary is easily available online and every dead relative is publicly mourned on facebook, but I'm sure she only knew about your dead MeeMaw because of magic.

She makes Big Jay look svelte.

The 37-year-old actress also expresses how often she would visit her grandma and the one thing that brought them together.

Morbid obesity?

I would bypass foreplay with her. Know what I mean? ; )

what a huge awful woman

You're kidding? Fat people are stupid? I can't believe it!

"This is Us" don't lump me into your hot air balloon body.

Tss Tss she needs to see a XXXXL not a Medium