Where we at with ContraPoints?

0  2017-11-07 by TinKnockinMoroccan


Basically, a guy(?) who saw the skeptic crowd on YouTube pulling in hundreds of thousands of views, saw a gap that he thought SJW’s like him could fit into and thinks he’s hilarious enough to start making videos to expand his(?) one echo chamber without any real info or foresight. Same old “If you don’t agree with me you’re fascist/racist/bigoted/etc” shtick that they tend to do. Seems to debate the skeptics on YT, but can’t really hold his own like the rest of them without going down the path of virtue signaling, platitudes, etc. For some reasons though, the non SJW youtubers haven’t tried to take him(?) down, possibly because he’s low-hanging fruit? Yet they’ve fully destroyed Steve Shives, so I don’t know why they don’t take this dope on.

I meant would you fuck or not?

I have a strict policy of not fucking someone until they take a side on either gender. If you're a woman and acknowledge the fact that you're an ACTUAL woman, then you get my whole 7 1/2 incher. Same thing with men.

Picky mother fucker.

She has a lovely Adam's apple.

I meant would you fuck or not?