Jim doing Edgar on Celebrity Ghost Stories is still one of the funniest things ever.

232  2017-11-07 by ManiacalChrisBenoit


This is one of my favorite clips, but I still don't know if the story is true and that's where Edgar came from or if he conned Celebrity Ghost Stories so he could do his Edgar impression on their show

Edgar was around before, man. He conned Lifetime and did Edgar on their show.

Yep, he admitted it right after the show aired.

God damn that's good

Edgar was around for years lol, he was just fucking with them and kept it to himself until it aired, which is why it was hilarious.

He talks about it in the clip I thought. The story is real until the Edgar part.

Edgar was just one of Jim's many characters he used to irritate his girlfriends

yeah, jim experienced a phantom and built a joke around it...

You sir belong with the guy on the front page asking who runs Chips Twitter account.

You’re quite the dummy aren’t you

His explanation of the door latch really drives it home.

It's one of the ones that goes like this


The people at A&E are complete buffoons.

This is true considering they wanted to give OA a show.

It's jackass......meets mythbusters

Can dentures penetrate the epidermis of a young woman?


They would have run commercials with the tag line "O and A....on A and E" it would have been horrendous.

Iirc this show got downgraded to the lifetime movie network by the time Jim's segment played.

they had to hire some old man actor to whisper "my mouth... is drrrryyy."

i tRIEd tO pLAy ThE viEdEo aND
mY cEllpHOnE
tuRNEd inTO... A CLoWn

Really Edgar?

That's crazy, one minute you have a cell phone the next its a clown? Fucking nuts man.

I'm glad he's serious and there isn't a holiday dedicated to tom-foolery as a punchline.

apREhl fAHhhLlLsssSsSss!!!!111

Gahd dammmmit, ya got me. Cut that part out.

You should be put three 0s at the end instead of 1s because your a zilch

arpel fehls


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apREhl fAHhhLlLsssSsSss!!!!111

I wish I had seen this on TV before hearing them cover it on O&A. The astonishment of seeing Jim Norton of all people doing this, and then the payoff would have been priceless.

I saw this around the time I discovered the O&A show. I hadnt heard any of Jims characters yet since the show was new to me, so I thought the ghost story was real. I felt like such a dope when I found out it was a character. lol

This is the type of situation where Jim's dumb characters shine. Not on podcasts where all 5 people are in on the joke.

I don't think opportunities like this just keep on rolling in.


My mouth is dryyyy


Haven't heard this in a while but think it was a Nopie show. Anthony and Jim chatting like this was what made the show great for me

Was reminded of this while going through some Nopie shows. There's another great clip of Jim and Ant talking about working old shitty jobs, and Jim talking about a hooker stealing his bosses wallet that's pretty great.

That story was great, was it the same episode when Florentine talks about putting a wig on his boss to get with two girls?

a Nopie show

All right call in if you've encountered a ghost....lady trucker calling in. hahaha steve from huntington on wackbag says "I bet Jim thought he heard a ghost at his standup because of all the booing".

vury good Steve, vury fawkin good...SNIFF AHHHHHH snoway from Michigan callin in, SNOOOOWWAAAYY!!!!!

It's not a bad joke.

That's the bit.

One of the hardest laughs I've had from O&A

Me too. I was so glad they saved the big reveal for the end of the story.

My favorite is Ant's impression of the mob guy in the background, 'ey, he said his mouth is dry!'

Best part about this clip: no Opie.

"by implosion"

My favorite part is when they show the guy that plays dice for the first time, I had a nice lawf


I heard they took this down as soon as they learned Jim was lollygagging them with his tomfoolery.

O&A fans know about this, but I'm surprised no one else has picked up on it. You'd think a comedian completely trolling a cable TV show would get more attention.

"They don't want this to be the ghost of prostitute's past." I'm so glad that got nothing. Sam is worthless.

This was one of the all time highlights of the show. Norton is the best when he really wants to be.

"one of the funniest things ever"

Please hang yourself. Much obliged.

No need to be mean, sir. This is the O&A subreddit and that kind of behavior just doesn't fly.

My deepest apologies to you and your family that you murdered.

best part of this is no opie.

What kind of other F word calls his buddy Happy Face

Lol that was highly entertaining!

Of Opie had been there this could have been a terribly bad show

This is the type of mischief that taught us how to be complete self-destructive assholes, just to make a small group of people laugh with an inside joke.


whatsat? you lookin in the mirra at ya mugggg?

Ant mocking over-explaining Jimmy was the best.

"A rack is a triangle"

I was having a grand time reminiscing of OnA times past, enjoying this tremendously and ... jimmy start complaining about his iphone charge level and how it plays just 3 songs, and I turned it off thinking I was listening to J&S

You're grinning as you wait for your upvotes

no, just yours, thank you

wow forgot about this... really made me laugh

Glad they hired handsome Jim Norton for the reenactment

Didn't he create Edgar based on this?

Edgar is the funniest character by far

Handsome Jim smiling when he walks into the suite is fantastic.

I used to live near Edgar Avenue and any time I drove there I was compelled to an Edgar joke, even alone. "THe rOAd is MaDE of cAnDY...apREhl faHhllLLs."

I was watching this with family when this aired. When Jimmy said, "I'm dry!" I started laughing my ass off. I then had to explain to my family who Edgar was, and that they've been Apprel Falls'd. I think I'd be less embarrassed trying to explain a rape allegation.

This is okay, but I kind of feel like this show was a bit aimless, like a ship without a captain.

Best things about this: 1) The way they reveal Edgar to the audience; 2) Opie is not there.

It's jackass......meets mythbusters

They would have run commercials with the tag line "O and A....on A and E" it would have been horrendous.

Gahd dammmmit, ya got me. Cut that part out.

You should be put three 0s at the end instead of 1s because your a zilch