The Laugh Factory put together a playlist of 130 female comedians. The definitive undeniable proof that women are funny and do not rely on tired observational humor about being a woman. Try and deny it now, misogynists.

59  2017-11-07 by Ant_Sucks


A woman standing in front of a sign that says "Laugh Factory" is the greatest joke of all.

should be saying 'Stink Factory'... talking about her cootah & her jokes.

Fawk yeah! Or "Cootah Factory!"

bolded ampersand fuddah muckas

most women that are even tolerable are hacks copying men.

I do have a few exceptions; roseanne was funny in the 80s, I genuinely like kathleen madigan and maria bamford

Roseanne is still funny. She seems like she's the only one left not playing the 'i pretend to not be PC, but am PC' game

Her Hitler joke when she was on The Green Room with Patrice was fucking legend.

She has a youtube cooking show where she just gets hammered and embarasses her children. I've only watched a few but they were funny. Her kids seem like she raised good eggs too.

if maria bamford were a man she would be a lower-middle comic, she's like a more irritating jeremy hotz.

I get that she seems like a sweet woman and she's put in time but she's just not that good. You're right, lower tier.

Roseanne was/is fucking funny. Because she's not trying and she doesn't give a fuck.

Women aren't supposed to be funny and no one wants them to be. It's like a snake trying to be cuddly, it isn't going to happen.

Just sit back, take a dick, shoot out some kids and make me dinner. I'm happy with that and women should be too because being hilarious is hard work, am I right fellas?

Like a great poet once said: JUST SMILE AND BLOW ME!!!

I deserve to be BLOWN, BEFORE we go to the Jacuzzi


My python was very cuddly. But the rest of your statement is spot on.

Your Python doesn't like you, it likes heat.

You didn't specify the reason for cuddling, did you.

Eh some women are funny but it's hard to be fuckable and funny at the same time. Its why most comedians are wormy looking tubs of ugly

Anjelah Johnson - Catcalling

I'm going to assume that this video is all social behavior, preaching to the choir-style lecturing with no jokes. I say assume because I will never watch this gawbage.

You would be wrong. It's about how black guys are like "hey girl" and mexican guys are like "sup girl". It's hilarious, and you are just a hater.

You forgot when she said and white guys are like, "that's the most rohypnol I've ever seen a woman take."

I, for some reason, don't see Nia Burr on the playlist. Whose mistake is this?

Ha, my wife is hilarious..(looks down)

That was so sad haha

She's funny. Would be an excellent addition to the chip podcast. Her chin is normal sized too.

My favorite is watching "cutesy" broads like this sail past some of the funniest unknowns/still open mic comics that are god-given talents, but aren't pretty enough to make it onto the faggot Laugh Factory stage. Half of these broads are like one year into doing stand up, and already on showcases and matinees, it's a fucking joke. (No pun intended)

Laugh Factory is the absolute pinnacle of LA comedy douche-dom. Their social media person (I'm almost positive it's a woman) only tweets/promotes the absolute lamest and slick jokes/comics on their shit. Jamey Massada is just a sleazy scumbag that knows what midwestern rubes visiting LA for a weekend want to see; if you want actual comedy, you'll go 3 miles down the street to the grimey, haunted, rotten, mean, authentic Comedy Store.

Anywhere else to see good comedy in LA? Or is the Comedy Store the only place?

Melrose Improv is pretty good. Flappers in Burbank has really picked up in the last year. Lot of big names, in a 2 week period fucking Seinfeld and Adam Sandler did drop-in's. West Side Comedy Theater in Santa Monica is pretty good too, a lot of comics love to work out there, especially Chapelle. He's dropped in a couple times and stayed all night, going up into the DJ booth and shit.

Those are the best. Nerdmelt is good if you're a guilty white male that wants to hear straight white men demonized for whatever we did and endless "Drumpf" material; the Ha Ha Cafe in N Hollywood Im 90% sure is a mafia or organized crime front and a comedy club 2nd.

Only thing worse than the Hack Factory is UCB.

I like UCB when I'm with my chick. Wholesome, family-friendly material that still pulls a smile from me. Sometimes you've gotta be a pussy, what can I say.

I just can't stand the sanitized, cute, careful comedy done by a bunch of earnest 20 somethings all wearing jeans, chucks, a hoodie and glasses. I want Attell chain smoking in a Carhartt jacket.

I’m just not going to go see comedy in LA

Comedy Store is great, that's the place to go.

keep working those mics dude, youre gonna make it

I actually put work in, unlike a lot of people. Putting work in is the stupid way to do things in LA; it generally leads to absolutely nothing.

I actually put work in, unlike a lot of people.

Yeah but you're not talented or interesting. We've seen your awful Funny or Die videos & cringe inducing 'podcast', as well as that thread where you were dumbfounded why everyone thought you were an entitled faggot, so it doesn't surprise me you are blaming the 'system' maaaan for other untalented faggots moving passed you in droves.

You are basically an Opie. Completely incapable of self reflection & realizing that you are the common denominator in your numerous & everlasting failures.

Never forget, hidey boy:

I don't know how many times it going to take to prove that no one gives a shit about the stupid Ghostbusters thing from TWO years ago, that's as always so fucking weird that you know that/remember such an insignificant episode. I have no clue who you are, I dont know who 98% of the people on here are. Anyone that pays this much attention to any random poster in here is just so fucking weird it's beyond my comprehension. You truly must have no life and absolutely zero going on outside of 'hanging out on the internet' to know and be able to cite so much. Aren't you embarrassed?

You attempted to go viral, Opie, & it was the most severe immediate backfire I've ever seen on here. Don't downplay it, it was bad enough that you tried to erase it from the internet afterall. Own your shame, pussy.

Anyway, I would stop bringing it up but every time I come across your posts on here (you post 9000 times a fucking day, so it's unavoidable) you display the same complete lack of self awareness that you did back then. You blame people more successful than you as being untalented, entitled, unaware, when those are the exact things you got ran off here for. That's why you're so annoying. You remind me of Opie blaming his mother for all of his own personality flaws.

Anyway, do you have any connections in the boom mic operating industry?

Your bizarre fascination with me is almost touching, sir. I just love that you think you have this earth shattering "scandal" on me, it's adorable. Keep trying, and keep up your little tempest in a teapot you adorable little thing, you. I'll keep doing my things, you keep doing your things, get cozy because we'll both be here for years. (Keep trotting out your tired shit to absolutely zero effect, it's obviously the only hand you have to play. "You're not funny, and you pissed off the Adam Carolla sub once, years ago." Wow, how ever will I carry on...)

"My ebaumsworld video won a web comedy award, I'm just asking questions!"

Yep, "a web comedy award." You really are the Woodward & Bernstein to my Nixon.

So you're a failed standup, ey?

Yes, Jamey.

That's a Jamey?

Is the link to the first video in the list? Anjelah Johnson?

Her fortune cookie bit was just 70's level casual racism. Sarah Silverman would flog herself in the street for that.

70's level casual racism

And it bombed here. That's how unfunny women are.

Is it a woman comedian playlist or are they just moving files into their recycle bin?

What's the difference?

Well one's a collection of videos to be played sequentially and the other is a folder on your desktop to delete any digital files.

Literal yumah

A compilation of women being funny is like an Opie with humor. See, it doesn't exist... boo.

That's right. Boo.

So, did Ms. Johnson get called out on her racist tirade yet?

They should have put these videos on their other channel "A Smirk at Best Factory" or somethin'.

Thats not how to spell Angela you savage.

Probably biased because I like the podcast she does with her husband Tom Segura, but I thought Christina P's recent Netflix special was good. The first female stand-up special I watched the entirety of. The content was as typical as expected, but some of it was still edgy (like going after trannies and the non-binary), and her timing, delivery, and stage presence were good.

I'm just going to assume I won't like her cause she has a cunt.

"I have a friend named Maria who has cerebral palsy so she's in a wheelchair and can't use her arms very well"

Normally I don't like female comedians, but that one was actually pretty good

not gonna watch this or anything but yeah eat it up fems

I only enjoy the Annie Lederman because I can imagine what it's like to relieve myself on her calves

Lisa Lampanelli is bearable. She had one of the funniest roast jokes of all time with: "I'm not saying Andy Dick is gay, but I am saying he can guess the flavor of a popsicle just by sitting on it."

Lisa's a man.

Not saying all jokes were bad, but I listened to the first 8 or 9 videos and it's all about either hooking up with men or their bodies needing to look good--the implication being they need to be attractive to hook up with men. So brave.

You attempted to go viral, Opie, & it was the most severe immediate backfire I've ever seen on here. Don't downplay it, it was bad enough that you tried to erase it from the internet afterall. Own your shame, pussy.

Anyway, I would stop bringing it up but every time I come across your posts on here (you post 9000 times a fucking day, so it's unavoidable) you display the same complete lack of self awareness that you did back then. You blame people more successful than you as being untalented, entitled, unaware, when those are the exact things you got ran off here for. That's why you're so annoying. You remind me of Opie blaming his mother for all of his own personality flaws.

Anyway, do you have any connections in the boom mic operating industry?