Troy thinks 3 helicopters were shooting at the Vegas crowd

59  2017-11-07 by Dennyislife

I guess murder sends you abit funny.


Where does he get his info? In all the Vegas theories I've seen nobody is talking about shooting out of helicopters.

you got it all wrong. The shooters identified as helicopters.

Wait did they self identify? In the sub reddit we are gender neutral

You're looking in the wrong places. Scott Binsack has film of muzzle fire coming from a helicopter between Luxor and Excaliber and another between Delano and Mandalay Bay. There are others with the same film, but no one has any video of muzzle fire from the 32nd floor of Mandalay Bay where the media wants you to believe that an old guy in his 60's fired 100's of rounds.

out of the hundreds of videos posted to social media that night, show me ONE with a helicopter or even the sound of a helicopter in it.

it's these new silent high-altitude stealth helicopters

The kind that could sneak up behind someone and gently nudge them off a cliff.

It was Roy Scheider!....[Blue Thunder}(

this what they based Airwolf on?

Hey, Roy Schneider, what are you doin'?

Fuck you for reminding me of that.

That...actually looks really good. And the same director who made WarGames, I love that movie.

His name is John Badham. Why not Bad<insert meat product>, tss.

Of course it is

They were invisible helicopters maaaan

Mother fucking Air Wolf n shit!

part of me wants someone to take a video of the shooting and put in the theme to Air Wolf, but another part thinks its too soon...

It is never to soon to go the tasteless route.

I always need a side production project... And I believe this is it.

FAWK YEAH makes chip guitar sounds

"Video Unavailable"

i certainly was stunned

Awww good dammiiiiit

The Deep State hired Keith to takedown all videos due to his speedy performance in taking down all Compound Media videos.

they're painted black so you can't see them at night, DUH!

navy seals bro, look into it, they got stealth helicopters, like the one that crased in osama's compound!

Bro those videos are fake. There were bombs in the buildings. Tower 7 wasn't even hit by a plane.

Tower 7 wasn't even hit by a plane.

It wasn't though.

Exactly. They shot it with 3 helicopters.

The comment section for infowars after the TX shooting- like before they had announced the suspect- was 1. FBI on the scene too fast, totally suspicious and 2. They're saying its not terrorism so you can be sure it's terrorism. Also Gun grabber gun grabber gun grabber.

These idiots are so embedded you dont have to convince them anymore- it's a pavlovian response immune to any evidence.

Yet The Paradise Papers just leaked another legitimate paper trail proving international corruption, money laundering, bribery, thievery, coupes, and everything that points towards a global cabal conspiracy, with Putin and his henchmen having "their thumbs on the pulse" (to use a Sam-ism) in so many hyper-elite circles it's basically an Ian Fleming novel... yet the REAL problem is Vegas maaan! Because I lack the intro to accounting and finance knowleedge to understand the difference between a shell corporation and a flow-through entity.

lol this is so fucking true

if someone drew a pentagram on paper and left it outside of the white house they'd lose their minds, but going through the work of analyzing real information?

fawwwk that

Coups* coupe is what Eurofags call cars. Why all you Yuros have such gay sounding, redundant names for things? Is it becau9your culture is eternally pozed?

I noticed the typo, actually an auto correct because "coups" isn't a word I use often. I thought there was no way someone is pedantic enough to illiterally correct me but here we are.

Troy is probably a Sandy Hook 'truther' but he knows bringing that up would get him fired.

"I just don't think we're getting the full story"

"Affliction Brah!"

My hamster's cousin was the class hamster at Sandy Hook and he assures me it happened exactly as we were told.

You tell Creamsicle to keep his fucking mouth shut.



HIND CONTROL! Helicopter yooma.

wait wait why not a heaven-copter


Why is it so hard to believe some crazy asshole with knowledge of ballistics was able to open fire and hit a bunch of people in an open field. This wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald pulling off quick scope headshots with a bolt action

The way the police have dealt with it is so poor its a breeding ground for conspiracy.

Only the FBI could be so incompetent to turn the most widely filmed mass shooting ever into a conspiricy.

Imagine if they could just release all available evidence about this guy to the public. 4chan would have that shit solved with an interactive powerpoint explaining it within hours.

Yeah, I'm sure a bunch of autistic 14 year old Adam Lanza clones would crack the case wide open..

Don't worry, they already solved the latest shooting by claiming it was someone named Chris Ward, who was actually shot several times and had his family killed.

Well, they did find an FSA training base and got the miltary to bomb it for them. Then they did it again with another base, so it's not that crazy. They also found a Shia's flag with the only clues being some airplane trails and constellations.

You're seriously underestimating the power of weaponized autism

They want to believe they're smarter than they really are.

You get to be the smartest person in every room with extremely limited effort!

Look into it.

You didn't read the recent JFK files

Which parts?

What knowledge of ballistics did he require? I have never shot a gun before and I can guarantee you I can shoot a machine gun at a huge target. No knowledge required.

The guy calibrated the scopes on all the guns to have the perfect drop calculated based on him being up a certain amount of feet and looking down on an angle, which isn't too difficult to do, but it takes a little premeditation

I heard 3 helicopters threw his girlfriend off a cliff.

If I did it I would've passed out while I was pushing her off the cliff

People like Troy honestly seem to believe that there was never a real mass murder or terrorist attack. Its always the boogeyman government/Deep State/Globalists, etc.

I don't understand how they consider this possibility more likely than the possibility that crazy people sometimes kill a whole bunch of other people.

Don't act the police haven't been sketchy as hell on this one. It wasn't just one shooter, I'm familiar with firearms and own 3 bump stocks. No way you get that rate of fire

The way information is being let out so slow really fuels into the Troys of the world. Also, it annoys me too, in that there is no concrete timeline or more official and comprehensive statement released by law enforcement. Sloppy government work per usual.

I think he was a arms dealer that got murdered and robbed by Islamists

The whole investigation has been a joke. This dude was definitely involved with intelligence in some capacity. Arms dealer with shady connections. In the most astonishing part of the Investigation, his hard drive was somehow missing. It is said he had time to rip it out and toss it from the window he shot out and magically disappeared. The timeline changing every other hour just complicates things further, leading for massive speculation on behalf of conspiracy theorists.

What exactly are these false flag shootings suppose to have accomplish? No one’s guns have been taken away. Martial law hasn’t been declared. Shit, if anything people are just becoming numb to the carnage.

Any day now, Obama is going to take our guns away.


It's not that I believe in this horse shit, but you must have heard of a long con before?

Or seen The Sting? Or something like that. All you need after having that idea in your mind is to apply basic analogous reasoning and long con Government conspiracies seem less irrational than at first.

The men in suits might write the survelliance laws and tax code as they please but nobody's launching extra-judicial killings aside from drone hits, lol.

Did anything ever really happen as it appeared?

I'm more likely to believe homeless Charlie was a plant than most of the "real" conspiracy theories.

Quanspiracy Brah

I'm sure he licked lead Popsicles when he was a child.

I would have loved to hear Halloween Troys take on it.

"You really want to do this, bro!"

sheepishly removes mirrored shades

Because the easiest way to hide multiple shooters is to fly those tiny, quiet, nearly invisible whirlybirds a hundred feet over an area with thousands of people having cell phones who can easily record your goings on.

Suppressed or silenced weapons from a different area? Nope. Get those giant, loud, easy to see helicopters in the air and shoot from them.. totally gonna work, bruh.

Affliction Brah

Everyone just makes up their own news nowadays, better to conform to their individual "belief systems". When facts get in the way, bend or totally ignore them! And people wonder why this country is mired in such idiocy.

No he doesn't. He has zero talent so he makes up shit to get on the air and Sam lets him on because he thinks it's good radio. (narrator voice: it's not good radio)

The top floors of the Mandalay Bay are the Four Seasons Hotel, that is owned by a certain Saudi Prince, who made headlines in the last few days. It is a coincidence.

They weren't copters, that's what they want you to believe. IN reality Operation BlueBeam made several fake hologram projections into the sky at night while using tactical nukes to kill the people in the crowd. Troy you got fooled by the NWO Jesuit Freemasonic Deep State. I'm a no-gunner, no-chopper type on the Vegas shooting.

Troy is a mass idiot

Conspiracies, brah!

Troy is a dope.

Can't comprehend the mentality of trying to perpetually unearth or decipher underlying motives or schemes behind every major event. You're just not an objective person of science.

Something weird happened at the Vegas thing, that goes beyond the official explanation. Let's leave it at that.

Fucking sponge hat wearing retard.

To what end, you fucking retard? I’m all for investigating what happened, but conspiracy theorist always have these broad theories, without drawing any conclusions. It’s infuriating.

Son, I'm going to tell you something your father should have. There's dumb people in this world.

Shudda been canned instead of sex bagel he is a gimp

The way the police have dealt with it is so poor its a breeding ground for conspiracy.

They want to believe they're smarter than they really are.

You didn't read the recent JFK files

wait wait why not a heaven-copter

You get to be the smartest person in every room with extremely limited effort!

What knowledge of ballistics did he require? I have never shot a gun before and I can guarantee you I can shoot a machine gun at a huge target. No knowledge required.