
110  2017-11-07 by fingerofgawd


Id agree with that

Jesus Christ.

You know he had to do a fucking hundred takes of snapping that newspaper. Getting that look just so, like he's truly taking the pulse of the nation, the city, and by extention, like, the people, man.

Those people killed him Chippah.


I don't believe it that it's supposed to be an ironic introduction

I kept waiting for the punchline and then the video ended. wtf.

The punchline is that he hands out the fliers like "guys, I'll settle this", and confidently walks away, then the people throw them away and keep arguing.

It's not as bad as I was expecting, but the whole thing feels like it was done out of pity for him. No real company on earth wanted to give him a special, so his friend had to spend $400 and do it for him.

It's not as bad as I was expecting,

I'm glad you've got rightfully shit expectations of this idiot, but the fact he thought he looked cool, was fuckin awful, & does need pointing-out!

Im giving him a slight benefit of the doubt that it was a self aware part of the joke.

sees people arguing

Dave: "Lemme lay down some hot takes for these folks and resolve all our disagreements as a nation"

people are confused for a second, then completely ignore Dave's bullshit

Dave: "nailed it" puts on shades

What a fucking dolt

My favourite part is 0:29 when her he's out of the car and adjusts the zipper on his sports coat like he's adjusting the lapels on a suit jacket

This video is exactly why I stopped calling myself 'libertarian'.

I went to a libertarian conference at my school up one time and half of the people were the most self-righteous know-it-all university educated dweebs who had the world figured out, the other half were these swarmy looking middle aged guys wearing suits, usually overweight with moustaches, who look like they run those gold reseller stores that scam old ladies.

Libertarians are republicans in denial


What a self important ass.

That promo is a toxic fucking cancer. Dave smith fucking sucks. Jesus christ that promo is horrible.

borrowing ants car?

I hate how the SUV covered up the words at at 11 seconds in.

This is shit. Pure shit. Runny, try-hard shit.

Didn't Luis direct his special? God that's terrible

You're not wrong...

He didn't contribute much on his big return to LoS. He seemed a little out of it. They never brought up Chip or Lauren, either. He must've told the guys that his special lady is no longer on-air fodder.

Talking about how unfunny she is and hypothetical ways of kicking the shit out of her didn’t go over well at home??? Lauren playing the straight man in a handful or podcasts is funnier then anything this guy has ever done.

Lauren playing the straight man

Somebody's got to be the straight man in that relationship!

Lauren will never make any of her dreams/aspirations happen while with that boring, unfunny fruit. Right now I'm hoping Lauren leaves Dave & becomes successful.

Even Louis didn't buy his garbage stories about that cunt disappearing and Dave being a cunt in general

Looks like the kind of guy who smells his own farts

seems like it would be difficult to not smell your own farts

I don't critique YOUR hobbies.

Quality shit post, enjoy my up vote

Why is Dave a faggot now? Because baby boy said so? Dave is 1/4th the faggot Norton is and Jimmy actually takes prep.

Are you Dave "Faggot" Smith?

No man I just think this is all bitch not Norton lashing out and I like how everyone followed cry babies manifesto to fuck with Dave because his girlfriend didn't wanna podcast with him. Especially when Bobby said she came from me and riotcast and jim is insans so I'll handle it and whilst he was Jim still freaked out because someone didn't wanna podcast with him. And then this sub pretends its fucking up the life of a guy who has been out at sea without active internet connections very much not getting your hate mail. Then you all gloat like you did something but you were just Jim's wormy arm in his highschool woe is me bullshit. Next we go after the interns because they cant get his eggs right, or whatever podcast vendetta he imagines next.

The Baby Boy Battalion.

Jesus, try sprucing that up with a comma or two, faggot. And Dave Smith has always been shit.

Dave, sucks, but not, more, than the prep army. Queeb.

That "Bobby said Jim's insane, so I'll handle it" bit of information is new.

Lauren told Bobby she was getting out of podcasting Bobby told her and Dave or just her,he would tell Jim. I'm only assuming the insane thing because Jim is known to be a baby boy and lauren came from bobby and riotcast and he didn't want bad blood between his friends and knows how nasty we can be.

I see your point, it is all gay. LOS is annoying to me especially Smith so it was fun to see him get bashed, I just think he sucks ass but I see your point.

Dave smith fucking sucks.

he sank his social standing among his comic crew and the chip show in one move. both are damaged permanently and will never fully recover. we should be grateful

So wait Dave Smith is dating Lauren and that's why she quit da Podacast???

God dammit babe

Smarmy fucking cunt.


Dave is the next George Carlin and he's banging a ten. You are all jelly.

Dave is the next George Carlin and he's banging a ten inch chin.


He looks like he should be the guitarist in a 1999 nu-metal band, with Big Jay as his number 1 fan.

Anyone have a link to that libertarian roast bs that Dave bombed on?

I don't know why he exists?

If for some reason Dave reads this.

No Dave, we don't hate you because of chip. We hate you because you're an unfunny faggot who is only on legion of skanks out of pity, and for your Gomez impression. That's it.

These past legion of skanks episodes have been much funnier without you dragging it down with your whole "let me explain this issue with zero jokes on a comedy podcast" shit.