26  2017-11-07 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Selfish cunt, doesnt she know there are starving people in Africa

Those lazy bastards have plenty to eat, I suggest they start with each other.

They're not people


Pizza is literally everything.

Her pose in that picture just brings out my inner Joe Mixon.

Fuck it ... x posted “cunt”

So Jim Norton dressed as Katie Couric for Halloween this year?

There's not a joke to be had anywhere in there.

I hope a piano falls on this twat's head.

It's called a misdirection joke, you fuckin r-w*rds, and she's clearly epic at them

She's no more or less funny than any other woman I've ever known.

I rarely hit a woman, but I would definitely punch her in the mouth

I rarely hit a woman


Says the guy who posted this on a thread I wouldn't see, under a fake name. shakes head

With your toddler like strength no doubt

How do you feel now that your other hack account got suspended?

I don't have another account, my life isn't like your sub where 80% of you have accounts 6mo<. You're a unicorn over here, but you also blend in because you've been here for 4 years but, according to your profile, nobody bothers to read what you post/comment. ;'(.

I've never been unironically karma-shamed before and I have to say it hurts a lot more than I expected, that was pretty good.

I don't even actually care, I was more shocked than anything that non throw away accounts existed in your sub. I just really don't understand the premise of the sub, I think that is my main issue. I mean, you have people that blatantly steal images from working comics and then throw racist/demoralizing quotes up on them instead. Is the attempt to be r/The_Donald, or r/dankmemes, or another sheeple sub? Because I see a lot of your members that have valid thoughts on some issues but, then those comments and concerns just seem to be shit all over by a group of what I assume is every 12 year old that currently plays Call of Duty. Not one of those jokes are funny, it's like watching a Dane Cook... well anything with Dane Cook. Is this sub just full of Dane Cook fans? Is that what it is. Just noise and a bunch of sloths from zootopia sitting in dark rooms all "ha..........................................................................................ha"?

Does anyone remember laughter?

I took a picture of a feminist ally t-shirt and posted it to Instagram. But instead of wearing the shirt I punched my girlfriend in the stomach.

It's offensive to me how unfunny that was


Emphasis on the boo.

It's offensive to me how unfunny that was

"The picture got a lot of likes tho"

What a brilliant tag

Is that whole forum for people to take selfies and quote themselves? I bet you get some real goofballs over there.

bug-eyed psycho

She's saying what we are all thinking, but we don't have the guts to say it out loud.

I enjoy reading the comments people from here make on these posts but out of anything we do here this is the most likely to get our sub banned.

That bitch just plain stinks.

I think she hates herself a little when she sees her flabby naked body.

The worst part about this is that it is relateable enough for someone to laugh at.

Pizza is my spirit animal

Fuck salads y'all! pizzzaaaa Yaaaaaasss.

She can replace salad with a child for example and the joke would be funny

When I started browsing that sub's new posts, I can't tell you how happy it made me feel to see the people from here mercilessly shitting all over those bright eyed young people who think they're funny.

When I started browsing that sub's new posts, I can't tell you how happy it made me feel to see the people from here mercilessly shitting all over those bright eyed young people who think they're funny.

This was good: The garbage joke was not...

The amount of O&A guys posting on that thread thinking they are on this sub is ridiculous. ( me included )

yeah, I thought I was posting in this thread until a white knight started responding.

this girl is actually pretty funny




im bringin it back

That subreddit is so gay. Really? A Bunch of F-List comedians quoting themselves?

Those lazy bastards have plenty to eat, I suggest they start with each other.

They're not people

I don't even actually care, I was more shocked than anything that non throw away accounts existed in your sub. I just really don't understand the premise of the sub, I think that is my main issue. I mean, you have people that blatantly steal images from working comics and then throw racist/demoralizing quotes up on them instead. Is the attempt to be r/The_Donald, or r/dankmemes, or another sheeple sub? Because I see a lot of your members that have valid thoughts on some issues but, then those comments and concerns just seem to be shit all over by a group of what I assume is every 12 year old that currently plays Call of Duty. Not one of those jokes are funny, it's like watching a Dane Cook... well anything with Dane Cook. Is this sub just full of Dane Cook fans? Is that what it is. Just noise and a bunch of sloths from zootopia sitting in dark rooms all "ha..........................................................................................ha"?