This sub has done a lot of faggy things but you guys worried about attention seeking Norton might be on top of the list.

67  2017-11-07 by fakeDannyRoss

"I hope Jim doesn't commit suicide!!! :( :( :( WE LOVE YOU JIM!!!" Yuck. What's next? You hope he doesn't relapse? Jimmy has even admitted he used to pretend to be suicidal for attention and you faggots fell for it.


all kidding aside, I would enjoy relapsing drunk jimmy

You have to be a drunk first to relapse

It was boring so I just ignored it.

There was like 10 “if yum yum did it” posts on the front page yesterday

i hope he prolapses

the thought of him touching prolapses with Alena makes me happy for him. they would finally have common ground, penises aside.

Alena can dock in the prolapse. Everybody's happy.

Seriously, this place is getting a little too faggy lately.

Stinks left

isn't he a literal transgender?

And a useless AIDS riddled junkie

Yeah right. Faggot was probably deciding between spending his last $20 on some heroin or paying the internet bill and the result was the he "left the subreddit".


Worst part about it, it didn't even seem like a real cry for attention. Was just a bit

are you Danny Ross?

Chip fans are the virgin fags of this sub. The virgin chip listener vs the chad OnA listener who hasn't listened to any of the show for 5+ years

This whole spiel sounds like fag talk.

It was so gay, I just sucked a dick to do something less gay than read that post.

Thanks again for that.


I needed to hear that. Thanks queer.

Compassion and human emotions are 4 faggitz. You guys nailed it.

It's even worse putting Zac Amico on a pedestal. Like, come the fuck on. Guarantee any handful of you is funnier than that fat nigger.

i was disappointed that the biggest thing taken away from that podcast was the rapping Opie bashing and the reveal of what the cunt text actually said.

OK so what was your take on the Cunt text that we didn't know already. I'll listen to your answer off air Thx.

it was in reference to Opie not looking st Ant during the show. so opie has it coming by being a passive aggressive faggot. i’m not sure what you mean by off the air, since we’re not on the radio, though????

Ok got that. Was hoping for some new information. Ok I'll hang up now.

or you’re make believing to be a phone screener for da show haha

I'm just feeling so down in the dumps, guys. Sometimes I think I just can't go on. The only thing that might make it worth it would be.... oh nothing, just forget it. No, no, really...... Well, if the fans could find it in their hearts somehow to conjure up another 60 thousand dollars, I mean, wow, oh boy, that would really make my day. I'd probably never think of killing myself again.

Is there a way to keep chip if Jim dies?

I did not.

fuck. you're right.


do it, faggot.

There is zero chance Someone as self centred as Morton will kill himself

Message me when Jim Kills himself. K Thx!

He's scared of his own shadow, he would never have the balls to actually do it even if he really wanted to. He'd spend all night thinking of the least painful way to do it but obviously would not and then come into the radio show and complain about being tired.


Me me me me me me me! ~ Jim Norton

Absolutely. Everyone who was involved in this shit needs to be exiled.

No, that dragon ball bullshit thread was even worse.

Guy who doesn't get the joke.

ME: That's the bit, you dope!


Buncha fags if you ask me

Alena can dock in the prolapse. Everybody's happy.