If you liked Peep Show, you'll like this. Episode 4 is missing due to copyright but not much happens. Uncle Jeff is Super Hans.

1  2017-11-06 by McGowan9


I just realized I never got around to watching the last season.

I think I'll just start Peep Show over from the beginning.


english comedies stink

Monthy Python. Porridge. Alan Partridge. The Office. The Thick of It. Blackadder. Garth Merenghi. Fast Show. Big Pony. Only Fools and Horses. IT Crowd. Father Ted. Spaced. Extras. The Smoking Room. Peep Show.

I could go on. Also you said comedies and didn't specify sitcoms which I think you meant to.

I honestly can't think of 3 American ones that aren't animated.

Edit: boo

You forgot royale family and early doors. Very northern in style so doubt they translate well but great.

UK sitcoms wipe the floor with American ones apart from curb.

Yep. Both great shows

Does anyone else remember The Young Ones? Reminds me of /u/stinksskc

Not my thing but it was very popular

i avoided it forever, its actually pretty funny. typical british sitcom youd probably like it

Darkplace is sickeningly funny.

brass eye

Morris is so great. A satirist people debate which side of the political aisle he's on because he trashes both sides so thoroughly. It pissed me off when that faggot John Oliver called him an influence in an interview. Current Year Man isn't worthy enough to apply make up to Chris's disgusting birthmark.

thanks fam!

They did do away with the first person perspective from the previous seasons? Really liked that about the show...

peep show....GET IT!


Not my thing but it was very popular