This is not satire. Whore works for CNN

108  2017-11-06 by Single_Action_Army


tomorrow she will be tweeting her apologies....this will not go over well.

Now she can say nigger whenever she feels like it!

Her name isn't u/single_action_army...

holy shit, this dude has been here for 6 months and has 40k karma. How is that even possible? Have you ever seen the sun?

im just shy of a year i think and i just hit 1k! these fucking nerds

It took me 9 years to hit 40k :(

Sorry I can make the reddits laugh for more internet points than you, BOOGERHEAD!
Nice try with the hate tho ;)

I'm not hating, it's literally impossible. You'd have to be here every second of every day. What the fuck is wrong with you...

My dad left me :(

yeah, using a girl's name as a user explains it, with all the virgins here...

That's terrible, I'm sorry.

The second video that autoplayed was perfect

If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all, buckaroo.

Having a girl name in the user explains it, with all the virgins here

oh snap, he comes back with the high school diss... i bet that guy doesnt even know where the clitioris is!! haha

"programmer, data scientist" wow you must be swimming in pussy

you'd be surprised what making $150k/yr straight out of school does for your sex life. and I didn't even go to college. I'm 30 now, so that's old hat.

The fact you've mentioned status and pussy a few times based on bullshit vain things like jobs and internet points, what do you do for a living?

ahahah sure, sure. I bet all those things were true

I love how you changed from 150k to 150-200k ahahahaha what a pathetic little man

It's $100-150k here in Toronto, I remembered most people here are American where it's $200-250k in San Francisco/New York. Nice try with the hate though.

No one gives a fuck...

That's what I thought.

It's also what your parents used to say to you. "We don't care"

Yes. No one ever did

You keep editing your comments, it's so pathetic. A fat 30 year old with no grasp of his own language...

You changed the comment from "you must get a lot of pussy" to even better "wow you sure must know what a clit is"... speak for yourself

You keep editing your comments, it's so pathetic. A fat 30 year old with no grasp of his own language...

Your job?

You're so pathetic. A fat 30 year old with no grasp of his own language...

My job is telling you how pathetic you are

Oh shit, someone's putting up the numbahs


you've got a +7 from me so that's pretty solid given my impeccable comedic taste.

Holy shit, this fucking idiot looks at and worries about the fake internet points of people he doesn't know. Idiot.

I gotta say he is putting up the numbahs...

Holy shit you're right. You're not a internet retard at all

Boo you stink

I'm self employed so I can check the sub during the day for loffs

In glad I have no fucking idea what those Karma points mean.

The bigger cunt in this scenario seems to be the guy checking Karma scores.

She could do it before

So excited! I can be 4% more of a victim now.

54% actually. Don’t forget she has xx chromosomes, which makes her an oppressed minority.

Akshually women are the majority gender in the world


well, I have one x chromosome so I'm 25% oppressed.

This was a very poor decision.

Does this buffoon realize that those DNA test came back with 3 separate results for identical triplets? And that Sam Roberts came back without any African heritage.

Products where people can just lie to you and you'll never know...and people eat that shit up

Carnies and Rubes, fezzy

Walking down the Midway with your cotton candy

A DNA test also said that Larry David is 37 % Native American.

As the Book of Mormon states, Jesus came to America and met with the native Americans. While here he did some fucking, as Jesus loves a big fat pussah. Thus the Native American blood being in Larry David.

CNN is the gift that just keeps giving.

Remember back when CNN actually reported the news and wasn't just attention whores yelling at each other?

No, and neither do you.



I love how she's implying that all black people are the same

In 2020, most black people will vote for Trump.

This bitch, Symone Sanders, Brian Stelter, Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, Kate Bolduan, Rachel Maddow, Joe and Mika, they all make me wanna die when I hate watch them online every day.

And of course she's fat.

Was her joke, black people don't like Trump so I must be black too?

That couldn't be less funny or more retarded. She did an Opie.

Trump got a higher percentage of black and Hispanic voters than Romney did.

I wonder if there are theories on this as to why.

Trump didn't run against a black guy?

Um, because Trump is the embodiment of everything young niggas aspire to.

This. Niggas respect Trump. Black bitches don't, and they're louder and more opinionated.

A big chunk of the difference in the white vote comes from California. Clinton won it 50-45, Romney won it 53-45. That's about a 1.5% swing nationally just from one state.

I voted for trump just for the simple fact that he said he was gonna build a wall. I'm hispanic but I speak zero Spanish as well as 90% of my family, I don't relate to Mexican culture or associate with people from Mexico, and I can't stand wetbacks. I'm also light skinned as all hell. What these liberal pussys don't realize or want to admit is that there is a lot of non white people that voted for trump. Yet they still try to lump us all together and try to speak on my behalf? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. I'll vote for trump again during next elections with big smile on my face and a giant erection in my jeans

You're one of the good ones - you can stay. No dating white women, though...

To late

Luckily for you, I'm more susceptible to Asian broads

Ok, but just the flips and gooks - the higher quality ones are for us.

Wetbacks are the best

In the context of him going up against an incumbent that became fairly unpopular with White people. In comparison to McCain against Obama the first time around, Trump bested McCain. White turnout was higher, something Romney had a problem with, so President Trump got more total White votes. Ahhhhhhhh peckaz

Doesn't 4% black just mean your ancestors raped an african woman somewhere in the past 200 years?

Or 20 minutes.

fake news

In only 10-15 years this country went from "It doesn't matter what race you are" to "your race defines who you are and what team you're on"
Liberals no longer agree with MLK.

It's worth mentioning that MLK was a Republican. So was the first black senator and the first black representative.

MLK was also an anti-war socialist, and that's why the government had him killed.


Keep sucking that government cock, bootlicker.

Whatever you say, Troy.

We get it; you like the nanny state. You're a good little Neoliberal.

It was a joke based on Troy's obsession of conspiracies, which Shitloaf parodied in the Halloween episode of Jim and Sam.

I'm more of a classic European liberal(nothing like the American version of liberal) with stronger border control.

How can anyone possibly know what happens on Jim and Sam?

Some of us have to keep up with the gossip to keep this shithole alive.

Also he was black. I am also smart.

Every MLK day, all the people on TV remember to forget his antiwar speeches


There is no evidence MLK was a Republican or Democrat.

This is the internet, you NEVER admit a mistake or accept a new point of view. It's just a no no. You just keep plowing on with your idea and that's it.

Seriously, FUCKING libtard... Republican strategist who has worked for Republican administrations for almost 20 years. These liberals are killing our democracy.


You have never heard of Republicans who despise Trump? There are a lot of them. They're the ones who haven't completely lost their minds.

Did you ever consider these "republicans" have been fleecing their party for 20 years by acting like globalists/center libs? Do you think is maybe why Trump won? He took over the party despite these hacks. Trump spent the primaries absolutely destroying the old guard GOP, of course they don't like him.

Globalism is by definition a conservative value.


No, but seriously I kind of feel like you have no clue what you're talking about. Do you think Trump represents traditional Republican values? He's changing the party, but not back to what it once was. It's a totally different direction. Yes he won the election but that doesn't change that nearly two thirds of the country fucking hates him.

Traditional Republican values like border control, abortion, taxes, gun control? He seems pretty in line with what the GOP has claimed to be for quite a while.

2/3 of the country hates him? Are those those same polls that showed it a catastrophic landslide in Hillarys favor a little over a year ago? That sure worked out.

The person I replied to is claiming that Trump represents some 'return' to GOP values. But three of the four values you just listed are completely standard policies that pretty much all Republicans agree on.

Where he differs is on immigration. Despite your extremely narrow worldview, traditionally Republicans have been in favor of immigration reform, not the hardline policies of this administration. So while people like you believe that this weird tribalism and anti-immigrant approach is a 'return' it's actually a completely new direction for much of the GOP.

Yes, immigration reform....THAT NEVER HAPPENED.

Oh for Christs sake, are you really pulling out the "popular vote"? You stupid fuck. The popular vote means SHIT in an election. All the leftist media were all about "the road to 270", faggots only cried foul when they lost.

The ELECTORAL polls were off by a mile you idiot. Who the fuck cares what the "national poll" says? It has zero bearing.

You are claiming national opinion polls are wrong because some statewide electoral polls were wrong. The national polls were right. See?

Let what is happening in Virginia right now be a clear indication of the long-term effect Trump will have on this country. Good luck bro.

Yeah so there was no moving towards globalism under the Kenyan? What a joke.

Pretty sure I never exempted Dems from this but if anything it's Democrats moving right and not the other way around.

LOL, you have to be kidding me!! Dems are moving right? Yeah, that what socialized health care and gun control are.

You really can't be serious when you made that statement. The fucking GOP is the one moving left you dolt. Just look at the class warfare "tax cut" they are trying to pass. I know you are stupid enough to reply back that the rich are getting the most tax cut. Before you do, look up who pays the most taxes in the country. I forget the exact stats, but its close to something like the top 20% paying 95% of taxes with the bottom 50% paying shit. Not only do they pay shit, they actually get money back, more than they put in. Real fair.

Democrats moved right on global trade, yes.

No stupid, they are the ones that are the exact same things as the liberal cunts.

All Trump ever ran on was doing exactly what the GOP said they would do for a couple decades. Turns out most the GOP are liberal fags like you.

He ran on a platform that he can't achieve with even the smallest wins despite having both houses of Congress and the executive. Might tell you something.

Thank you for making my point! It tells me everything I need to know. What were the major points of his campaign? Building a border wall, repealing ObamaCare, and getting manufacturing back to the US.

ALL OF THOSE have been what the entire GOP has told us they want for 10 years plus. But they couldn't...simply because that fucking Obama controlled the White House. If only they had the White house they said. Well, when they got it, they showed their true colors. It would take a true fucking idiot to blame that on Trump.

The reason he can't get any of it done is because all of his policies are deeply unpopular with the majority of Americans. That is why congress won't act - same reason he won't get tax reform done.

I took one of those tests and it said I had <1% Egyptian dna so I figure that's why my fellow towel heads have spared me from terrorism thus far.

Sounds like someone trying to justify the fact that he starts dancing wherever he hears that Bangles song...

If it were like 15% or more I could see her point, but 4%? Bitch, one of your ancestors made a bad decision or got raped, that doesn't make you black.

I still wouldn't. Isn't the whole concept of racism that you're at a disadvantage because of your skin color? Even if you have black DNA, if your skin's white you've lived a "white person's" life.

Yeah, good point. Fuck this virtue signaling cunt.

I'm 99% white but you don't see me bragging about it.

Because I'd be fired

Is this for real? I honestly can’t tell it’s so so bad

This woman was hired just because she's a woman, and this is the result. Nobody saw that coming.

I️ love how the more fucked up the world becomes, the more active and hilarious the pests become.

She's lucky she tweeted this during the height of the election or somebody might have noticed it.

The margin of error is probably 5%. Stick to making pies.

Being a fat Hispanic woman wasn't enough. She had to dig up a virtually non existent African heritage to advance in the oppression totem pole in order to establish some sort of credibility. Next she'll claim she's a muslim queer gender or whatever the fuck else these degenerates toss around these days. I hate to agree with Proud Boy founder White supremacist leader Gavin, but he's absolutely right, the New Left is a mental disorder. These people are absolute cancer and must be purged for the good of the species.

I haven't looked at one of these ethnicity tests in awhile, but doesn't it just mean that there's a 4% chance that she has some African blood?

Yes, I believe you're right.

She is basically doing exactly what this girl did...

Anna Navarrro is LEGIT mentally ill [untreated] and is a sad, desperate little person.

Is she really? What's her deal? First time I've ever heard of her.

She was a Jeb Bush consultant when he was governor and during his failed Presidential campaign. In 2008 she led Hispanics for McCain. Her boyfriend owns the Biltmore Hotel in Miami.

She is a delusional lady -- any rational person would quickly see she is mentally unbalanced. She has frequent outbursts, makes everything all about her and says batshit crazy shit always.

Why would a dude who owns a Miami landmark date that sub-par Latina? Is she somehow involved with Jeb's Latina wife?

If I remember correctly, he's great big fat person...

She is a Republican establishment hack who never got over Jeb getting his ass handed to him by Trump. The media has her on because she's one of the few good Republicans (like McCain and Graham) who is basically a big government Democrat who is psychotic about Trump.

i hope there is a 4% chance she doesn't get some type of untreatable cancer

Isn't the Ancestry tests complete fabrication and based on area data rather than actual DNA tests?

Bootlip opinions are only 1/4 the value of a non Bootlip, provable fact. Why should I care what a BL thinks anyways??

I've wanted her to fucking die for so many years

I could have save her $50 on the Ancestory test.

Say the word "ask".

Nope sorry, your white. Thems the breaks.

Well no shit, she's fucking Hispanic. Unless her parents came here directly from Spain, four percent is really pretty low.

I'm sure the blacks will embrace her with open arms.

What a dumb cunt.

Why are you mad?

She still has a smaller percentage than the Cumia brothers.

At five percent the chance to commit a crime increases exponentially.

Those tests are a scam, they prove nothing whatsoever. Go back far enough and you can be any "ethnicity" you like. I have ancestors from the Azores, therefore I must be related to the lost city of Atlantis and etc. Stick this idiot in West Baltimore for a few weeks, let's see how "black" she is.

i got 1 from 23 and me and said 2% of me was nigger. after being degraded by my wife and kids i went back to the site a few months later and the 2% had changed to neanderthal. true story. its a complete scam.

All a fraud. "Oh wow, I never knew I was 3.5% Eskimo, no wonder I always liked the snow!"...duh.

I think Trump called her dumb as a rock didn’t he? Our wise God Emperor, he is.

I wonder if she kissed a black guy, like Randy Marsh.

I don’t see how this A.relevant and B. Not satire because she works for CNN. Unless it’s in the contract that you can’t be satirical it’s doesnt really explain a thing. Maybe you can enlighten me?

this dumb bitch thinks she's a minority, meanwhile she's whiter than Anthony. A descendent of conquistadors who pretends like she's some brown indigenous peruvian just because she is La-tin-no.

Women in politics prove time and time again they never have anything intelligent or interesting to say. From Ann Coulter to Lena Dunham.

good god what a demented cunt. she should be euthanized for such a dumb fucking statement.

Pretty much ZERO% of the niggers support anything other than democrats anyways, so what the fuck does this even mean?

They are stupid enough to keep voting for the same party for 5 decades, yet continue to wonder why they keep declining. Perfect democrats, too stupid to think 5 minutes ahead or behind.

I have two black friends from childhood and they both voted for trump, like I fucking did and I will vote for him again during the next election

She'll see how black she really is when she says something that's taken out of context and she gets fired.

What an insufferable cunt

generic spic mudblood who is jealous of white womens beauty

So...she is proud she can be called both a nigger AND a spic??

Its all fun and games until your credit score drops 200 points.

MLK was also an anti-war socialist, and that's why the government had him killed.

Whatever you say, Troy.

There is no evidence MLK was a Republican or Democrat.

All a fraud. "Oh wow, I never knew I was 3.5% Eskimo, no wonder I always liked the snow!"...duh.

Yes, I believe you're right.

This is the internet, you NEVER admit a mistake or accept a new point of view. It's just a no no. You just keep plowing on with your idea and that's it.