Anthony Weiner is going to prison today. Let's never forget the heroes who helped put him there

91  2017-11-06 by Ant_Sucks


I also think it's funny tha ant had a lunch meeting with weiner about possibly joining compound media. But pulled the plug after shot got to weird with weiner

Ant was probably just file trading with him and decided to call it a “work meeting”.

Yeah Andrew Breitbart did a lot of the legwork and O&A are credited with leaking the photo but we all know that Vincent D'Onofrio was the mastermind behind everything.

kingpin baby!

Breitbart's heart exploded while he was arguing with someone on twitter.

You'd think Ant back then would've wisened up but, reactionaries can't think ahead.

Andrew Breitbart was murdered.

lol good

The fact you got downvoted let's me know all I need to about the culture of O&A

Called out Podesta and got whacked.

Jimmy is all red faced and chipper after looking after that photo of a cock

He's got a nice piece as Opie would say

I never noticed that Breitbart has a slightly gay affect. That's not surprising given that most vocal pubic conservatives are bigtime homos. Michael Savage etc.

And what if he was?

He can't even fuck the right hole and I'm supposed to take his opinion seriously?

Breitbart was a goddamn hero.