If Anthony doesn't pull Jimmy to the side and talk some sense into him about this suicide shit, he really is a faggot

68  2017-11-06 by hickorysmoked1

Your long time friend is contemplating suicide. Stop trying to mask everything with your stupid faggot laugh and talk to him like a normal friend you pussy


Haven't you figured out that none of them possesses a shred of humanity?

That being said, a Jimmy suicide would be glorious

Well, he has a great reputation of addressing conflict directly so I'd say there's a good chance he'll do the right thing.

Here's the thing though. He hated his wife and Opie which is why he was never direct with them but he loves little jimmy. Maybe he might talk to jimmy

"Oh, no no, he doesn't though." - Admiral Orbani

Fucking bravo.

That's not accurate at all!

What segment of the show does Jim talk about suicide?

He makes like two jokes and these fags are blowing it out of proportion

Okay thanks.

Yeah it really is gay. He says he rapes children too. Why is the sucide one true? And if so, okay, how's that Anthony's deal anyway?

Jim is just feeling messed up, who isn't? The Worm is too scared to have a sip of beer let alone hurl himself off a bridge...

Lets be honest though, if most of us had to give up drinking/drugs we would probably hurl ourselves off a bridge...

Yeesh, parish the thought

I hope Jim kills himself because he drove away a podcast producer

Super Trifecta.Opie ,Sam,Jim and Anthony hit by a Wal-Mart truck. After signing new contract with Siriusxm.Driver was Ronald Mund, moonlighting for extra cash.Witnesses heard him screaming ,Come On Everybody, Let's Fuck Some Queers.

Anthony has the emotional maturity of a spoiled 12 year old. He ain't saying shit.

This is a guy that suffered in silence for 15 years because he couldnt confront Gregg Hughes

yea those paychecks are brutal.

Yeah seriously. I would have kept my mouth shut and not rocked the boat also for those paychecks

There had to be a way to pull him aside and talk to him though, like "hey man I noticed you seemed frustrated on the show..." or anything

Yeah ur right. They are all psychos

Ya wanna play?

Or he could have addressed it and if Opie left to go out on his own, fuck him. If it's true that everybody hates Opie, an Ant and Jim show with most of the staff intact would've done just fine. Well, until he would've gotten himself fired with his tweets anyway. No, I'm not buying the excuses here. He was afraid of confronting that faggot.

I was in AA for 15 years, and had recurring suicidal thoughts, and even called a hotline once. Once I left AA, the suicide ideation completely went away.

When I was in AA, I had suicide ideation all the time, but once I left the suicide thoughts just completely evaporated. Sitting in dingy church basements listening to people whine about their problems, causes severe depression.

This has been my experience. The meetings are bitchfests about car title loans gone bad, my wife is fucking my NA sponsor, my coworker slighted me, etc. or all the fucked up shit they did when in active use...being homeless, abusing their kids, jail, etc. if you’ve be sober for 40 years, you can probably do without this.

I would agree. Some people find those meetings 'uplifting' and 'inspiring'. They were insanely depressing or just people seeking attention who I don't believe should even be there (Jimmy). It was so fucking depressing thinking I had things in common with those people and meeting in some library after hours or a church.

They'd always have a first speaker who talked about CPS taking her kids and living under a bridge for a year. But now she has her life together because she lives in a sober halfway home and sees her daughter 3x a week. What horrible lives those people lead.

We are relying on Ant to resolve a crisis? what show have you been listening too?

I hope and joins him.

"So, uhhh...some CA-RAZYYY news over the weekend, I guess. So I'm hearing, uhhhhh... Jimmy's, thinking about pulling a Brooks from Shawshank Redemption?"

chuckle, 5 seconds of silence

Stinky makes unheard comment off-camera

Ha...and ahhhhhhhh yes, well, THAT...my friends...chuckle ...wow. Didn't know much about that....ahhhh. Haha. I guess...well, let me put it this way....Jimmy and I...we were never, you know THAT close when it came to this stuff. And...WELP! Haha, I guess it's just one of those things, you know..." gunshot

Spot on, sir.

“What’s that? Just like AJ on the Sopranos ah-hah-hah-hah, holeee shit.”

that xenophobe half a fag probably has his own issues to deal with.

He's watching Artie rot away in front of him all week.

chip fans are fucking trash

How could Jim kill himself?

He can't tie a noose.

He doesn't have pills to take.

He's a pussy so he won't jump off something.

He can't cut his wrists (you usually need to get fucked up first)

He has no gun or access to one (unless he's at Ant's and goes to get some pretzels and finds one)

He won't jump in front of a train, again, pussy.

He is not mechanical enough to think up something creative to kill himself.

How does a worm kill himself? Cut off all attention so he wilts like a hothouse flower?