Do you think Jim is drinking again?

1  2017-11-06 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Or at least getting close to falling off the wagon? He seems close. He's talking about suicide a lot(which we know he used to do when he was drinking as a kid) and he's extremely emotionally invested in a 20 year old trans camwhore. If he's not hitting the bottle, how long will he last?


My money is on meth or some form of uppers.

He'd have energy for his morning show if that was the case. Now he only has energy to yell at Shitloaf about his eggs.

He's seeing a therapist who is coddling and justifying all his mental illness for him.

Addicted to poppers.

Pecka juice

Did they start making Zima again.

Actually, they did bring it back this summer...

He's drinking pre-op cum again.

I’m hip to what you’re stressin’, but peep this. Jimmy was more suicidal acting when he was fat than he is now.

No, he'd probably be funny if he was drinking.

Real question is if you were prince allen would you get Jim