Anyone else constantly saying "Go'oon nah" in traffic when people drive slow like faggots?

12  2017-11-06 by brothermanbrotherman

Just me?


I just hit my siren I bought from China, then hit the LCD number-plate cover so it reads 8888 888, then give 'em a friendly nudge with my lead-filled bumpers (then say g'waan now as they fall off the road)

I yelled "g'on nah" at a fat woman struggling to get through a normal sized door.

Not as catchy a Chipism tbh. Doesnt have the infectivity of "wassat?" or "sockcucka"

Yes. Yes I do.

I will now...

I all everything a "mug" and it's driving me closer to suicide,

I keep saying "like a muuug" or "all up in this mug"

I say it constantly in real life

I keep asking my kids if they "Hurd wat I said?"

I find myself saying it to a room full of small-town police who are interfering with an autopsy, and I have to clear the room in a folksy manner.

I just yell nigger at everyone, regardless of race.