What Are The Conditions For Opie’s Surrender to This Board?

0  2017-11-06 by MushmouthMenino

Safe to say whatever goodwill Opie had (that he didn’t already lose by alienating friends and fellow media people) has been eroded...in no small part due to the hard work of people like us.

We’re all reasonable men here. What would Opie have to say or do to call a general truce with the fine folks on this board? A simple apology? Reunite with the Tunisian Terrorist? Acknowledge our presence? Or will the only way out of this problem be a swan dive off the G.W. Bridge?

Enquiring minds would like to know...


This doesn't end until he's dead and buried.

It’s not as graphic as it looks people, They only plan on cutting off his tits.

Whatever the terms are, Add in a case of those fancy quote mugs for reparations.

El Chippo needs to behead that faggot.

How important is the board?

I dare say it’s much like Project Mayhem in Fight Club. Opie was our Tyler Durden...encouraging rival show bashing’s, and in later years it grew....beyond what he or Ant could control...getting Chien fired from CBS NY.from wackbag to reddit, we still remember what this was all about...getting people banned from Twitter, negative social media messages. Only this time the tables have turned on Opie Durden....so the project mayhem folks saying anyone who tries to interfere with Project Mayhem gets his balls cut off... including you, Mr Hughes