Predictions for events following Norton's appending suicide.

84  2017-11-06 by RBuddCumia

  • All Celler comedians as well as top comedians who never mentioned Norton before, share memories and condolences via twitter.

  • We possibly get to see "Pissy Eyes Anthony" when he mourns his lover on A&A.

  • 100's of "Call me a faggot but..." shit posts pop all over this very subredit.

  • Tits issues a lackluster, me me me response to the tragedy.

  • A large benefit is held months later by Lil' Jimmy's pals to raise money for Ma and Pa Norton and his widowed tranny lover.

  • Norton's tranny promises for 6 years that a Norton doc is in the works- it never comes.

  • Rich Vos performs at Magooby's Joke House Thursday May 10-12th.


"Norton would have loved/hated ______"

"Norton would have thought it was tough man.."

"Dying's a motherfucker. This depression thing is a problem."

The new Chip Chipperson show staring Opie Hughes

I swear to god if you fuckers start this shit with Norden then I am going to write you all some very disrespectful Yelp reviews for your service at Panera Bread.

You're right about everything but you spell like a retard and used "appending" way out of context. You wanted "impending". You're welcome.

I just came here to correct. I'm sorry friend 😞

We all make stupid mistakes sometimes, brotherman.

That's the bit you DOLT. GO AWAY!!

You mean "impending suicide"?

Let me append that by suggesting you do the same.

Grammer yuma.

Maybe Kelsey, but dat ain't grammar!

you mean "let me append to that"?

who's gonna be in charge of the documentary? Florentine?

No ketchup from craft services, & 80s hair-metal soundtrack.

The NYC sex worker community

Alena moves on not feeling an ounce of emotion, Bailey Jay too.

Are you saying trannies are complete sociopaths.

that is exactly what I am saying.

All this Norton suicide talk got a nigga uneasy for real

Fawk yeah we all gotta suck his pecka oh sumpthin

You're doing god's work, so eat my bullets minister.

The day after his death, a letter from Paramount Pictures would appear in his mailbox offering him a lead role in a comedy alongside Miles Teller.

They’ll use holograms and CGI to put him in the movie, like Tupac or Peter Cushings

...and then cut his scenes out anyway lol

I can't see Ant getting genuinely depressed, not even a little. Someone here put it perfectly that the only emotions he has left are joy and rage.

If Steve C's suicide was any indication, Anthony will just make weird, uncomfortable noises into the mic as someone who could be bothered to go to the funeral tells him about it.

Probably has already amended his will so that the tranny gets everything.


Good point.

The few media outlets who report on it will have quotes from his best friends and fellow comedians such as Marc Maron and Patton Oswalt.

  • Amy Schumer suddenly starts doing a new character: Chip Chipperdaughter

Tssss Fawkin politics wadda they got West Nile virus or sumthin tsss

Chip Sardelicious


I hope he does it instead of dropping hints like an attention whoring faggot.

ME: We weren't THAT close, but I FAWWKIN' LOVED Jimmy. Sad ta say - but dat's just the way tings go

ME: sometimes this fawkin business can be broootal but deep down we always cared about each other and anyone who says anything else is a fawkin hater

He should have gotten married or at least settled down like 10 years ago.

“A true genius. A comedian’s comedian. We talked all the time.” -Jerry Seinfeld

Impending dickhead

Norton died? God needed someone to furiously master bate for and not cum for all of eternity

When is Rich Vos's next appearance?

Colin will absolutely be disgusted and shit on Jimmy until he can't mumble another word.

Anthony or Jim Florentine will continue Chip like Bob Zmuda continued Tony Clifton after Andy Kaufman faked his death.

The big question is how would Opie respond.

We all knows the proceeds from all benefits go to Von.

Fuck Norton, just go see Rich Vos.

East Coast sex worker industry goes into recession.

Appending what is his suicide a fuckin'... organ that people have removed usually in their youth or sumptin'?!

Tits issues a lackluster, me me me response to the tragedy.

I always knew we'd patch things up in the end, to be honest with ya sniff

I really want Norton to outlive Ozzy just to see how he reacts.

He's going to attach his suicide to another more famous suicide.



appending would mean that he was adding suicide to his life, dummy

No shit

It will come out that Jimmy and his manager Jonathan had an off-on boytoy thing going on for decades.

He gave me so much entertainment. I fucking love the guy. And no im not a faggot. But im open to being called one at any times

ME: FFAWWWKKK! This one hurtzz - I knew we all took the end of Opie & J hard but - FAWKKK - I didnt know it affected Jimmy this much!!

ME: sometimes this fawkin business can be broootal but deep down we always cared about each other and anyone who says anything else is a fawkin hater

Maybe Kelsey, but dat ain't grammar!