Mark Normand stinks.

0  2017-11-06 by hookercheese

He stinks.


what about Joe List? Same shtick as Mark Normand except he's a virgin

I just don’t like him as a guest on the show. Annoying voice and constantly has to be making noise regardless of context or if he even has anything to say.

Danny Fizz reign supreme.

Amy Schumer presents: mark Normand stinks

As well as my coo-tah

Normand is a good egg because he called that fat model girl fat. I was sold on that alone.


Do your own fuckin leg work, you fat fuck.


I've actually grown to really like Mark. He doesn't kowtow to PC culture nearly as much as his peers and he's had some decent specials.

this. he grows on you.

Top 5 comedian right now easily

Anyone that does the Chip Chipperson podacast that isn't a tranny is good in my book.

Anyone that does the Chip Chipperson podacast who isn't a tranny is good in my book.

Anyone that does the Chip Chipperson Podacast who isn't a tranny is good in my book.

has this celestial posted butthole yet

I like him.

He's awful

Normand is hilarious