I still can't figure out the Princess Alena situation.

24  2017-11-06 by TinKnockinMoroccan

I have come to some conclusions. Jim is obviously a deeply closeted gay man who likes to suck dick and get fucked in the ass. Two things most straight trans women aren't interested in doing with a man. So he had to go with a cam girl or escort of some description. Being gay would also explain why he went for a 5'11" masculine looking broad. He want's to fuck men but can't admit it.

What baffles me is, why this specific chick? Why pay for some 20 year old, overpriced camwhore from across an ocean, who can't even come to the country. Why share this information on the radio? Why say he is in love with her? Can he actually believe it?

If you want to pay to be fucked by a masculine looking trans woman, you don't have to leave the country. Unless you want to keep it secret. But if you want to keep it a secret, you don't blab about it on the radio. You don't talk about love and long term relationships. It doesn't make sense.

What is Jim's end game?


He's just a dumb, lonely old queer with too much money.

He certainly is

He compromised with his sex addiction to live this fetish relationship thing. He is gay but doesn't wanna admit it. When he talks trannies he always loves the manly traits. Prince albert has loads of manly traits.

He's fucking her cos she's a dude. If she was a man jim would have no interest if that makes sense. It's a fetish thing

Why talk about her publicly and say he's in love? I understand that he is a lonely old queen but this is sad.

Probably because he deep down doesn't give a shit if he's in a relationship. It's the societal pressure and people getting in his head like "youre gonna be lonely and old ". So he makes a point of telling people he is in one so people find him normal.

Same reason weak ass dudes get married to insufferable cunts basically. Just so they feel and are perceived as a "man" in this society. So their family doesn't look at them like some sad creep

He could just find a closeted lesbian and they could be each other's beards. She secretly eats box and he secretly takes HIV loads in his ass.

Why though when you can pretend to be straight with a woman pretending to be a man and make your friends and family uncomfortable

He could do that without the woman being a low rent camwhore from another country.

That's a whole nother level to his own deceit of himself. To him if all he cares about is the sex then he would fuck any given tranny. By getting a foreign, high quality one he gets to fool himself like this isn't just a fetish thing and she has other likeable traits

Alena is not high quality. She's naturally quite masculine(not that I have room to talk but I'm not charging anyone) and early into transitioning. I've met plenty of girls on trans forums who are way more attractive and work as camgirls or escort. Jim is retarded if he thinks she is high quality.

he doesn't really have healthy relationships

deeply closeted

syphilis has turned his brain to swiss cheese.

Produce yumah

His friends passed him around like a football and he's traumatized to fetishizing like a child molested stripper.

His end game of happiness is no longer attainable but he's trying his best

Jim makes me feel a lot better about how much I've spent on cam whores over the years.

I kinda half paid attention to these posts for the past week and figured something wasn't exactly as it looked....but so Jim is really openly dating a man now?

He's dating a 20 year old trans camgirl from Norway. He won't admit any of it, though.

Remember when Jim said he was in love. Than we find out it was to this dude. It has me howling. I’m pretty sure this guy is the reason Lauren left.

He has all that kickstarter money to throw around.

I actually think you have it backwards. He's not so much gay as he is into weird sex shit. And he clearly has always gotten off on paying for it.

I don't see this lasting for all the obvious reasons but I also think that when it crashes and burns he might finally admit he's got a sex addiction.

What is the evidence that this prince alan is his loved one? Because I haven't seen any.

You know, maybe they're in love. Ever think of that?

it's not love, it can't result in a baby. It's lust - homosexuality is a sin, and you know it. Jim needs to repent and get right with Jesus.

Jimmy want to play ookie cookie w a 5th grade boy church class

If you are legitimately in love with a connected, Russian, half-your-age Transsexual prostitute, your brain might be fundamentally defunct.

You know what they say, love is blind -Tommy Wiseau

Wow this thread is full of toxic people, not surprised for a bunch of fans of opie and Anthony I guess.

it's not love, it can't result in a baby. It's lust - homosexuality is a sin, and you know it. Jim needs to repent and get right with Jesus.